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83 results found

  1. a book for self growth

    Which are the best books for that

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    If you look in Rialto's "Curated Topics" there's a collection called "Mental Health Self-Care Collection" which has a variety of self-help resources.

    Best regards,

    Heidi Whitehead

    Rialto Product Manager

  2. Out of Stock Orders

    When a Rialto item is not currently in stock it doesn’t reflect on the Order (POL) and the status is Sent. Is there something that could be done so that the Rialto status reflects in Alma’s order status? Otherwise, these orders will continue to have the status ‘Sent’. Potential issue during FY close as these orders will encumber into the next FY. Great if it will be published and/or if only a few orders with this status however not so if not. Would also be great if the other statuses that currently don't map to the Alma POL would. See…

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    Hello RB,

    Thank you for your idea. I am closing it because it is an idea that needs to be opened with the Alma team. The status that you're talking about is in the Acquisitions module and would need to be updated to include the status from Rialto for orders placed in Rialto.



    Heidi Whitehead

    Rialto Product Manager

  3. Add Publisher to brief record view in market search

    Please consider adding publisher to the brief record display in the Market Search results list. It would save users a lot of time in not having to click into each record to obtain that important info.

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    The Rialto team has reviewed this idea but at this time it does not align with our roadmap initiatives. We appreciate your feedback and encourage you to continue to participate in the Ideas Exchange process. 


    Heidi Whitehead

    Rialto Product Manager

  4. Include copies of invoices with shipments

    It would be helpful if we had the option to have print copies of our invoices shipped with our books. This would save us a step of having to immediately search for and download one to affirmatively confirm that everything listed on one actually arrived before payment.

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    For customers outside of the UK, it is not possible for us to include the printed invoice with shipments because the invoice is created after the books are shipped. We appreciate your feedback and encourage you to continue to participate in the Ideas Exchange process. 


    Heidi Whitehead

    Rialto Product Manager

  5. Add interdisciplinary studies for marine sciences and maritime studies (two separate topics)

    In the Query Builder, the list of topics under Interdisciplinary Studies could use expansion. Please add a topic for Marine Sciences and another for Maritime Studies. Our previous purchasing interface allowed for Title Alerts on these subjects, and it was incredibly helpful. These two topics cross into many different LC classifications and subjects, and it's hard to build a query by hand to include all of them.

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  6. Activate electronic inventory in Alma regardless of invoicing by provider platform for Rialto

    Rialto aligns activation of electronic inventory in Alma with invoicing by the provider platform, except for Rapid Activation providers.
    This causes a poor patron experience when we find that the platform may very quickly activate a resource, but take longer to provide an invoice.
    In sum, the patron doesn’t get the Interested User notice of access for sometimes weeks, only due to paperwork and library staff having to do manual work to follow up orders open for an unexpectedly long period.

    It is suggested that all providers supplying electronic inventory orders via Rialto have the same process flow as for…

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    Elizabeth is correct, we aren't able to activate portfolios until we have been notified by the provider that the item is available. For some platforms, this comes with their invoice. If we make things available before we are notified that they are available there would be times where we didn't have a URL for activation or that if a patron tried to access the item it would not be available on the platform. That being said, we are trying to optimize activation to ensure it happens in Alma as quickly as possible. 

    Thank you for your idea. 

    Heidi Whitehead

    Rialto Product Manager

  7. Ability to facet by edition

    It would be helpful if there was an Edition facet. 'Publication year' is less useful as different formats of the same edition often have different years of publication, and 'Edition type' doesn't include edition numbers. Edition information is included in each offer so it should be something we can quickly filter on.

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    Hello Catherine,

    We are going to try to address this request with some features we are releasing in Q1 2025. If you'd like to work with us to give us feedback on what we're doing, please reach out to me.

    Best regards,

    Heidi Whitehead

    Rialto Product Manager

  8. Ability to sort display of Holdings

    I've realised this week that when selecting an offer in Rialto Marketplace, the holdings pane displays items in a different order for different staff. Whilst I'm fortunate enough to have them sorted by publication date with the newest at the top, colleagues seem to have them show in seemingly random order, and the view varies by person.

    I have checked with Rialto support staff and it's thought this may be influenced by the varying combinations of Alma roles and scopes held by different colleagues. There is currently no way to directly configure holdings display.

    I would like the option to…

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    Hello Catherine,

    Thank you for your feedback. The Rialto team has reviewed this idea but at this time it does not align with our roadmap initiatives. We appreciate your feedback and encourage you to continue to participate in the Ideas Exchange process. 

    Best regards,

    Heidi Whitehead

    Rialto Product Manager

  9. Indicate if a book is available through EBA/DDA in Rialto

    There should be a badge to indicate if a book is available through some collective purchase program. This way, one may see if a certain program has many requested titles, and might consider buying the whole bundle.

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    Hello Valerie,

    We do have badges for items that are in your DDA or EBA pools: List of Rialto Badges - Ex Libris Knowledge Center ( I think you are asking us to provide an indication of what other titles might be available from DDA/EBA plans that you're not currently running in your library. We would have to base a suggestion off of a large collection of titles, and if you would like to consider a DDA/EBA plan you can work with your CWSC to find the plan that works for you using some of our tools that compare large numbers of titles against plans.

    We appreciate your feedback and encourage you to continue to participate in the Ideas Exchange process. 


    Heidi Whitehead

    Rialto Product Manager

  10. Sort offers accurately by price

    When sorting by price, discounts are not considered, resulting in an illogical sort. Please see attached screenshot demonstrating the issue.

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  11. Improve Indexing and Search of Series

    Series search is inconsistent, both for finding all titles and finding a series note within the same title across formats/ebook editions. Series title doesn’t appear in the bibliographic data as Series; sometimes it shows in an “Edition” field. Ideally a Series title would appear as a hyperlinked search option within a book record.

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    The Rialto team has reviewed this idea but at this time it does not align with our roadmap initiatives. We appreciate your feedback and encourage you to continue to participate in the Ideas Exchange process. 


    Heidi Whitehead

    Rialto Product Manager

  12. Allow Show Sushi Counter Usage on all applicable titles

    This would help with ordering projects such as reviewing EBAs not managed through Rialto, or selecting titles for perpetual purchase that are held in a subscribed ebook collection. In combination with the Sort by Usage it could also help identify titles from a list that are already owned, since this isn't currently a facet for limiting.

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    The Rialto team has reviewed this idea but at this time it does not align with our roadmap initiatives. We appreciate your feedback and encourage you to continue to participate in the Ideas Exchange process. 


    Heidi Whitehead

    Rialto Product Manager

  13. Badge DDA titles visible in discovery as "In Your Institution" only AFTER purchase has been triggered/approved.

    Is there a DDA pool-identifying condition that could be applied to the logic "if visible in local discovery, badge as 'in your institution' "

    As it stands we have no way of knowing whether a title in the DDA pool is a duplicate, or completely new. At load, we may not own any titles in a pool, but we can end up acquiring some titles after the load is complete, e.g. in an update to an aggregate collection. We purchase multiple copies of the same title only under very special circumstances, and we can't be the only library with this…

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    This idea is being closed as part of our annual clean-up process (criteria for closure: older than 12 month, fewer than 10 votes). If you would like to reopen this idea, please contact Heidi Whitehead ( and she can reopen your idea for future consideration. We appreciate your feedback and encourage you to continue to participate in the Ideas Exchange process. 


    Heidi Whitehead

    Rialto Product Manager

  14. Utilizing Replacement Cost Field in Alma

    I'm borrowing an idea that exists in the Alma Idea Exchange (Copy PO Line Prices to Item Replacement Cost). It would be beneficial for the actual cost of an item (invoice price) after discounts to be populated into the Replacement Cost or Inventory Cost fields in Alma, or to be configurable by the institution to suit their needs. For example, we would like the invoice price to populate into the Inventory Price field, and then have that price + processing fee added into the Replacement Cost field.

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    The Rialto team has reviewed this idea but at this time it does not align with our roadmap initiatives. We appreciate your feedback and encourage you to continue to participate in the Ideas Exchange process. 


    Heidi Whitehead

    Rialto Product Manager

  15. add "move to list" option for orders waiting for approval

    Right now in order to move requested items that are waiting for approval to a list, they have to be rejected. We are not rejecting them, we want to put them in a list to be ordered at a later date. Please add the option of "move to list".

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    The Rialto team has reviewed this idea but at this time it does not align with our roadmap initiatives. We appreciate your feedback and encourage you to continue to participate in the Ideas Exchange process. 


    Heidi Whitehead

    Rialto Product Manager

  16. Add a "date added" filter to the Orders Awaiting Approval list.

    We need to be able to filter the list in "Orders Awaiting Approval" based on "date added." This information does not show up in the export, either, therefore the export to Excel needs to contain the "date added" as well. The interface currently allows us to sort by "date added," however we have no idea as to what those dates actually are or if they are ascending or descending. We need to see dates in the results list and be able to sort, filter, and do the same in an exported file in Excel.

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    The Rialto team has reviewed this idea but at this time it does not align with our roadmap initiatives. We appreciate your feedback and encourage you to continue to participate in the Ideas Exchange process. 


    Heidi Whitehead

    Rialto Product Manager

  17. Add "reports" facet in the order history

    The order status reports we receive via email indicate report codes for instances where items are backordered, etc. We currently do not have a way to filter the "Order History" selections according to these reports. We need to be able to filter the list according to the "report date" and "report code" along with any other "report" information sent to us in the emails we receive so we can see which items are in a report code status. For example, the email indicates "Report Code: Out of Stock-Backordered(20)" for one of our titles and "Report Code: Additional Searching Required (21)."…

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    The Rialto team has reviewed this idea but at this time it does not align with our roadmap initiatives. We appreciate your feedback and encourage you to continue to participate in the Ideas Exchange process. 


    Heidi Whitehead

    Rialto Product Manager

  18. Customize purchase request web form text color or bring under Primo VE CSS

    The preference of our branding people is a dark purple which black text is not very visible on. I guess WCAG is more important but I would like to adjust text color either on the Market form section in Alma or with the custom.css file in Primo VE to meet both objectives.

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    The Rialto team has reviewed this idea but at this time it does not align with our roadmap initiatives. We appreciate your feedback and encourage you to continue to participate in the Ideas Exchange process. 


    Heidi Whitehead

    Rialto Product Management

  19. Automate workflows for approving or denying alternate editions, and over price threshold

    Right now all this happens via email. It's a cumbersome process and the email only goes to the person who approved the order. If the approval or denial could be integrated into the Rialto workflow process others from the institution could respond.

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    The Rialto team has reviewed this idea but at this time it does not align with our roadmap initiatives. We appreciate your feedback and encourage you to continue to participate in the Ideas Exchange process. 


    Heidi Whitehead

    Rialto Product Manager

  20. Add multiple recomendation profiles

    We’d like the ability to overlay multiple recommendation profiles, similar to overlaying multiple ordering templates. This would save time by allowing users to mix subject based (LC, Dewey, subject, etc.) profiles with quality/technical profiles (Award winners, review, readership level, publish/released time frame, etc.) instead of having to re-add multiple technical criteria to every subject specific list they want, this would be especially helpful for criteria like reviews which have to be typed in separately each time.

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    The Rialto team has reviewed this idea but at this time it does not align with our roadmap initiatives. We appreciate your feedback and encourage you to continue to participate in the Ideas Exchange process. 


    Heidi Whitehead

    Rialto Product Manager

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