Badge DDA titles visible in discovery as "In Your Institution" only AFTER purchase has been triggered/approved.
Is there a DDA pool-identifying condition that could be applied to the logic "if visible in local discovery, badge as 'in your institution' "
As it stands we have no way of knowing whether a title in the DDA pool is a duplicate, or completely new. At load, we may not own any titles in a pool, but we can end up acquiring some titles after the load is complete, e.g. in an update to an aggregate collection. We purchase multiple copies of the same title only under very special circumstances, and we can't be the only library with this policy.
Thank you for your suggestion. The Rialto team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We cannot provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support to receive status and comment updates.
Heidi Whitehead
Rialto Product Manager
Hello Mary,
Would it be possible to schedule a meeting with you to discuss this idea? I want to be sure I understand the request before commenting.
Thank you.
Best regards,
Heidi Whitehead
Rialto Product Manager