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40 results found
Discounted Price in RIALTO
Please show the actual price the library will pay (print items) in RIALTO. It is difficult to make purchasing decisions without knowing the cost.
123 votesThank you for your suggestion. The Rialto team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We cannot provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support to receive status and comment updates.
Heidi Whitehead
Rialto Product Manager
Add a button/method to have Rialto follow-up on an existing order without having to submit a case with support.
Primarily thinking of items that have not been filled after a reasonable amount of time and do not have any updates (i.e. claimed from publisher, not yet published, not yet activated, etc) if there was a button to ask Rialto to provide a status update, this would be great.
82 votesThank you for your suggestion. The Rialto team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We cannot provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support to receive status and comment updates.
Heidi Whitehead
Rialto Product Manager
Notification of cancelled orders where a different ISBN will be supplied - better workflow with Alma POLs
If we place an order and later receive notification that the ISBN ordered is not available and a different ISBN is to be supplied, Rialto requires the cancellation of the original Alma POL and creation of a new one for the new ISBN in Rialto. Pre-Rialto, in such cases we could relink the Alma POL to a new bib record, which was quicker and created fewer cancelled POLs on Alma. We would like a more streamlined workflow for this scenario, requiring less manual work.
59 votesThank you for your suggestion. The Rialto team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We cannot provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support to receive status and comment updates.
Heidi Whitehead
Product Manager, Rialto
Add filters to order history to allow sorting by order status such as not yet published/backordered, claimed from publisher, etc.
I'd like a quick way to sort orders by order status without having to open each one. A filter for not yet published/backordered and another for claimed from publisher would be a great start. Also adding some sort of notification or filter for items that have had a change in publication date (i.e. originally due in December, new date is May)
44 votesThank you for your suggestion. The Rialto team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We cannot provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support to receive status and comment updates.
Heidi Whitehead
Rialto Product Manager
Hide available balance
Add the ability to hide/remove the available balance of funds for the fund in the cart.
26 votesThank you for your suggestion. The Rialto team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We cannot provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support to receive status and comment updates.
Heidi Whitehead
Rialto Product Manager
Option to share list with all Rialto users
Currently, individual users must be assigned to shared lists. This is a huge waste of time in large libraries where there are more than 30 users with specific Rialto roles. Ideally there would be an option to share lists with all rialto selectors, orderers, admin, etc. The option can even define groups based on user roles. This option should also work when a list should no longer be shared. Instead of clicking on a few dozen Xs, there should be the option to revert the list back to private.
24 votesThank you for your suggestion. The Rialto team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We cannot provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support to receive status and comment updates.
Heidi Whitehead
Rialto Product Manager
Please enable filtering within Order History to identify ebooks which have been activated/not activated
We want to be able to identify any titles that remain unactivated so that we can manually resolve (or report) without having to scroll through order history.
22 votesThank you for your suggestion. The Rialto team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We cannot provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support to receive status and comment updates.
Heidi Whitehead
Rialto Product Manager
List Functionality Enhancements
enhance list functionality by allowing lists to be archived, by allowing users to change the default sorting on the list of lists to sort by title; allow sorting by title within a list so that Print and Electronic duplicate titles appear together; allow users to be notified when a list is shared with them (either via email or Alma popup)
21 votesThank you for your suggestion. The Rialto team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We cannot provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support to receive status and comment updates.
Heidi Whitehead
Rialto Product Manager
Allow Split Funding
Please allow us to select multiple funds per purchase order. Our selectors often share costs on purchases. We currently have to place the order on one fund, then edit to split funds after purchase, but sometimes when funding is too low we aren't able to do this.
21 votesThank you for your suggestion. The Rialto team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We cannot provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support to receive status and comment updates.
Heidi Whitehead
Rialto Product Manager
Have more control over the Shelving Library/Location drop down list
Currently the Shelving Library/Location drop down list cannot be changed and it appears to be in order of when a library was created in Alma.
We would prefer the order to be either:
-alphabetical order
-alphabetical order, with the logged in users home library at the top (as is the order when placing requests in Alma fulfillment).
This would make it easier for selectors to find the library they want to order for.We would also like the ability to exclude libraries from this list. Currently our eResources library displays.
19 votesWe will take a look at the out-of-order library list in Shelving Library/Location. This appears to be a defect--in the future you can report these to Support directly if you'd like.
Regarding hiding libraries, you can scope your user roles to the relevant ordering library/libraries and it will only show libraries and locations that that ordering library has "Acquire For" relationships with. See: https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Alma/Product_Documentation/010Alma_Online_Help_(English)/030Fulfillment/080Configuring_Fulfillment/020Fulfillment_Infrastructure/010Libraries
Trouble with one-time orders when invoice line total price is lower than the PO Line total price
For Rialto one-time orders, if the invoice line total price is lower than the PO Line total price, Alma does not update the order and invoice correctly. Alma does not release the remaining encumbrance, nor does it update the Invoice Status to Fully Invoiced and the POL status to Closed. You can run three Alma jobs to release the encumbrance and fix the statuses, but we believe 1) Alma should do this automatically instead of requiring customers to run jobs or 2) Ex Libris should offer the ability to release the encumbrance just like it does now with continuous orders.
18 votesThank you for your suggestion. The Rialto team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We cannot provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support to receive status and comment updates.
Heidi Whitehead
Rialto Product Manager
Hide vendor notes from selectors
Remove the ability for selector roles to be able to add vendor notes, as this can delay orders and notes tend to be added by approvers.
18 votesThank you for your suggestion. The Rialto team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We cannot provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support to receive status and comment updates.
Heidi Whitehead
Rialto Product Manager
Allow Super Selectors to duplicate order templates
The Super Selector role can create order templates. Super Selectors should also be able to duplicate order templates to save time in creating their own since order templates often share many of the same field entries.
16 votesThank you for your suggestion. The Rialto team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We cannot provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support to receive status and comment updates.
Heidi Whitehead
Rialto Product Manager
Internal item specific notes for titles on lists
It would be great if internal notes could be added to specific items that have been added to lists, with only ppl with access to said list(s) able to see the notes. This feature would be useful for rush/reserve/replacement/special orders when the selector needs to communicate information specific to the item.
15 votes -
Easy access to Rialto 'Orders awaiting approval'
Currently in Alma you can access the orders awaiting approval in the Tasks widget on the home screen. To get to Rialto orders awaiting approval there a two ways. Through the left flyout menu, taking a few clicks, or by going to settings on the Alma home screen and pinning the Task list (top Alma banner) and having Rialto show. Neither way is easy or convenient like the Tasks widget
13 votesThank you for your suggestion. The Rialto team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We cannot provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support to receive status and comment updates.
Heidi Whitehead
Rialto Product Manager
Improve matching between format of order and format of bibs in Network Zone
Matching routines between Rialto and Alma focus on the ISBN as a match point, primarily using 020$a and 020$z, but also using 775$z and 776$z. When a Rialto institution is in a consortium using a Network Zone, and the NZ is configured as the repository for records to be added, this match method may result in false matches between records of different formats.
For example, a title selected in Rialto for a one-time print book purchase may be matched on a bibliographic record for the electronic version based on the ISBN found in a 776$z. The 776 field identifies an…
10 votesThank you for your suggestion. The Rialto team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We cannot provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support to receive status and comment updates.
Heidi Whitehead
Rialto Product Manager
Push selections back to selectors with note
We want approvers to be able to push selections back to selectors with a note. This would speed communication regarding selections without having to use separate emails to address concerns.
9 votesThank you for your suggestion. The Rialto team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We cannot provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support to receive status and comment updates.
Heidi Whitehead
Rialto Product Manager
Email Alerts for Order Rejections
When an order is rejected, the selector should be emailed an alert instead of solely relying on the notifications section of Alma. Selectors often don't think to check notifications in Alma. There are already title alert notifications via email so this functionality should not require much development.
7 votesThank you for your suggestion. The Rialto team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We cannot provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support to receive status and comment updates.
Heidi Whitehead
Rialto Product Manager
Allow setting Temporary Item Location from Cart/Templates
Currently, when filling out order details/applying a template to an item in a Rialto cart, there is only one field where users are able to set a location: "Shelving Library/Location".
This field appears to apply to the resulting item's permanent location. It would be helpful if we were also able to set a temporary location from the cart/templates.7 votesThank you for your suggestion. The Rialto team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We cannot provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support to receive status and comment updates.
Heidi Whitehead
Rialto Product Manager
Transfer Multiple Items from Cart To List
There is no way to mass transfer all the items in a cart onto a list. Items can only be sent from the cart to a list one at a time. I think it would be beneficial to have the ability do a bulk transfer of an entire cart to a list.
7 votesThank you for your suggestion. The Rialto team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We cannot provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support to receive status and comment updates.
Heidi Whitehead
Rialto Product Manager
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