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  1. Push selections back to selectors with note

    We want approvers to be able to push selections back to selectors with a note. This would speed communication regarding selections without having to use separate emails to address concerns.

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    Thank you for your suggestion. The Rialto team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We cannot provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support to receive status and comment updates.


    Heidi Whitehead

    Rialto Product Manager

  2. Please enable filtering within Order History to identify ebooks which have been activated/not activated

    We want to be able to identify any titles that remain unactivated so that we can manually resolve (or report) without having to scroll through order history.

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    Thank you for your suggestion. The Rialto team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We cannot provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support to receive status and comment updates.


    Heidi Whitehead

    Rialto Product Manager

  3. Retaining Rialto information when ordering from a different vendor

    If a selector finds an item in the Rialto market and submits an order for approval but one of our approvers decides it is better to order from a different vendor, we'd like a way of retaining the entered information (funds, notes, interested users, etc.) while redirecting the order to the non-Rialto vendor. I understand that the information does not disappear from Rialto when an order is rejected, but it would be great if the system allowed us to carry the information over to a POL with a different vendor.

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  4. Allow setting Temporary Item Location from Cart/Templates

    Currently, when filling out order details/applying a template to an item in a Rialto cart, there is only one field where users are able to set a location: "Shelving Library/Location".
    This field appears to apply to the resulting item's permanent location. It would be helpful if we were also able to set a temporary location from the cart/templates.

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    Thank you for your suggestion. The Rialto team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We cannot provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support to receive status and comment updates.


    Heidi Whitehead

    Rialto Product Manager

  5. 1-click Bulk assign orders awaiting approval

    Allow users to Select All in orders awaiting approval and enable a button or link to "Assign to me" Right now the only way to assign to yourself an order awaiting approval is to "interact somehow" with an individual title. I want to bulk assign all of the orders awaiting approval to me. We have multiple people approving orders. It should be as easy to assign orders as it is to unassign.

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  6. Make it possible to move a batch of items from the cart to a list.

    The fact that it is currently possible to move large batches of items from a list to a cart but not the other way around can lead to some extremely time-consuming errors to correct.

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  7. Circulation info under library activity

    In the title alerts it shows that there is library activity, and I can see if we have an older edition of that title. It would be very helpful to be able to see the circulation information for the title we already have within the title alert. It helps us decide if it is worth purchasing a new edition, and I currently have to navigate out of Rialto to check our catalogue then try to navigate back to where I was on my list

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    Thank you for your suggestion. The Rialto team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We cannot provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support to receive status and comment updates.


    Heidi Whitehead

    Rialto Product Manager

  8. Allow libraries to toggle the 'Approve and order' option in the 'Manage Purchase Requests' workflow

    We’ve recently discovered that our librarians, despite only having the selector role in Rialto, and thus not being able to directly place orders, are still creating POLs in Alma by selecting the ‘Approve and order’ option in the ‘Manage Purchase Requests’ workflow.

    In our case, a few dozen POLs were created that had no vendor, fund code, shelving location, no platform or access model for eBooks, and no format or edition for print titles. Getting all of this after the fact from the librarians then editing the POLs is quite cumbersome and undoes a lot of the efficiency Rialto otherwise…

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    Thank you for your suggestion. The Rialto team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We cannot provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support to receive status and comment updates.


    Heidi Whitehead

    Rialto Product Manager

  9. Allow Alma library relationships to control purchasing via Rialto

    We want our staff to have Rialto roles that are scoped only to our National library, and don't want to have to give them Rialto roles that have any other scope. We want them to be able to order electronic books for the National Library, as well as physical books for the other libraries in the institution, but we only want them to be able to do all this while logged into our Acquisitions Department (which is granted to them via the Work Order Operator role having the Acquisitions Department associated).

    We have Library relationships set up in Alma Configuration…

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    Thank you for your suggestion. The Rialto team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We cannot provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support to receive status and comment updates.


    Heidi Whitehead

    Rialto Product Manager

  10. Easy access to Rialto 'Orders awaiting approval'

    Currently in Alma you can access the orders awaiting approval in the Tasks widget on the home screen. To get to Rialto orders awaiting approval there a two ways. Through the left flyout menu, taking a few clicks, or by going to settings on the Alma home screen and pinning the Task list (top Alma banner) and having Rialto show. Neither way is easy or convenient like the Tasks widget

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    Thank you for your suggestion. The Rialto team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We cannot provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support to receive status and comment updates.


    Heidi Whitehead

    Rialto Product Manager

  11. Allow for the removal, suppression, or the ability to null out the "Available Balance" in Rialto templates.

    My institution would like a way to remove or otherwise alter the Available Funds amount show in individual selector templates. Selectors know the full collection budget but are allocated spending goals that allows us to account for over and under spending on the admin side. Having the full amount shown could cause confusion since the amount varies based on our different campuses that share the CD budget at varying amounts for each campus and, in some cases, assigned selector areas.

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    Thank you for your suggestion. The Rialto team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We cannot provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support to receive status and comment updates.


    Heidi Whitehead

    Rialto Product Manager

  12. Streamline Rialto related workflows for purchase request initiated order approvals, by Selector assignment redesign

    When initiating a Rialto Market Order via a Purchase Request, there is an unexpected assignment of the order to the Selector after Sending for Approval.
    This causes an additional unnecessary step navigating through a popup for our staff who are Approving the order, requiring them to change assignment from the Selector to the Approver, before they can Confirm approval.
    This additional step only occurs when the starting point is a Purchase Request and does not happen when the starting point is the Market.

    The expected workflow for the Selector:
    Acquisitions > Purchase Requests > Manage Purchase Requests > Unassigned >…

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    Thank you for your suggestion. The Rialto team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We cannot provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support to receive status and comment updates.


    Heidi Whitehead

    Rialto Product Manager

  13. Email Alerts for Order Rejections

    When an order is rejected, the selector should be emailed an alert instead of solely relying on the notifications section of Alma. Selectors often don't think to check notifications in Alma. There are already title alert notifications via email so this functionality should not require much development.

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    Thank you for your suggestion. The Rialto team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We cannot provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support to receive status and comment updates.


    Heidi Whitehead

    Rialto Product Manager

  14. Transfer Multiple Items from Cart To List

    There is no way to mass transfer all the items in a cart onto a list. Items can only be sent from the cart to a list one at a time. I think it would be beneficial to have the ability do a bulk transfer of an entire cart to a list.

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    Thank you for your suggestion. The Rialto team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We cannot provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support to receive status and comment updates.


    Heidi Whitehead

    Rialto Product Manager

  15. Internal item specific notes for titles on lists

    It would be great if internal notes could be added to specific items that have been added to lists, with only ppl with access to said list(s) able to see the notes. This feature would be useful for rush/reserve/replacement/special orders when the selector needs to communicate information specific to the item.

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  16. Improve the ability to run concurrent fiscal years in Rialto

    We generally run concurrent fiscal years in Alma for a short time while completing orders and invoices in one year and begin renewing resources and paying invoices in the next fiscal. When placing a manual POL in Alma a dropdown appears to choose a fund for either fiscal year. But in Rialto the POL defaults to the new fiscal year even if a cart template for the old fiscal year is used. Please align Rialto ordering with Alma and give the choice of using either fiscal year fund.

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    Thank you for your suggestion. The Rialto team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We cannot provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support to receive status and comment updates.


    Heidi Whitehead

    Rialto Product Manager

  17. Have weekly order status reports list ALL outstanding orders and indicate those with an updated status from the previous week.

    I receive a report each Tuesday but it only shows orders with a change to the status. It would be more useful to me to have a report showing all open orders and some sort of indicator (or sorted in such a manner) that orders that have been updated (or added) since the previous week are included. I find some orders sit for weeks or months with no action and complete report of all titles would help me to keep better tabs on it.

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  18. Selectors not notified when title(s) rejected

    I have the roles/permissions to approve/reject titles placed in Rialto's select cart. However, when I reject titles the selector isn't notified; as far as they know, it's going ahead. I need to contact the person, list the title(s), and explain why they were rejected. I'm frankly astounded that Market doesn't do this automatically.

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    Thank you for your suggestion. The Rialto team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We cannot provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support to receive status and comment updates.


    Heidi Whitehead

    Rialto Product Manager

  19. Allow selectors to enter selection requests for materials that aren't available in Rialto.

    Allow selectors to enter selection requests for materials that aren't available in Rialto. Allow for information such as author, title, ISBN, URL, etc. to be added to acquire outside of Rialto.

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    Thank you for your suggestion. The Rialto team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We cannot provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support to receive status and comment updates.


    Heidi Whitehead

    Rialto Product Manager

  20. add an email notification option for purchase requests

    When a purchase request happens, let us add an email notification. I check email more often than Alma. Orders are a priority I need to be alerted quickly

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    Thank you for your suggestion. The Rialto team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We cannot provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support to receive status and comment updates.


    Heidi Whitehead

    Rialto Product Manager

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