Multiple selectors
Librarian selectors like that they can see if a title they would like to order is already awaiting approval. However, they would like to be able to go to the orders awaiting approval and add their name as an additional selector on that item to give it "weight/priority" to order by the Rialto manager. Could there be a way to add additional selector names as a +1 on orders awaiting approval?

Hello Amanda,
Would the ability to add comments to orders awaiting approval cover this request? You could post a comment, tag the approver, they'd receive an email letting them know you've posted a note.
Thank you for your suggestion.
Best regards,
Heidi Whitehead
Rialto Product Manager
Amanda Pippitt commented
I'm not sure this would work with our workflow. Only one staff member acts as an approver, and that's not the librarian selectors, so they can't see the orders awaiting approval list to add comments to items they support purchasing. All they can see is the tag "awaiting approval" if they happen to look up the same item in a marketplace search.