Selectors not notified when title(s) rejected
I have the roles/permissions to approve/reject titles placed in Rialto's select cart. However, when I reject titles the selector isn't notified; as far as they know, it's going ahead. I need to contact the person, list the title(s), and explain why they were rejected. I'm frankly astounded that Market doesn't do this automatically.
Thank you for your suggestion. The Rialto team is reviewing this idea to determine how it might fit into our future plans. We cannot provide a timeline for these ideas, but be sure to check back often and vote for the ideas you support to receive status and comment updates.
Heidi Whitehead
Rialto Product Manager
Naomi Maendel commented
Thanks Heidi! We sorted it out a while ago; I completely forgot I'd posted about it here :D
Shelly Schmucker commented
I believe this functionality already exists. It's not the default though. The selector has to go into Rialto and set their notification settings to receive emails.