Rapido to parse all volume formats for multivolume works
Currently, when requesting volumes of multivolume works, the Rapido tile can only parse the following volume formats from the item description:
"3" (digits only)
"v.3" (no space)
"v. 3" (with space)
This affects the Refine Offer function: if the patron inputs a string that Rapido cannot parse (for example, "XII", "Jan", "Bd. 3" as written in the item description), it disregards that volume information. This usually gives a positive result (terms are displayed disregarding the volume's availability), places the request on title level (whole multivolume work) without linking the wanted volume (item) to the Rapido request. In such cases, the availability displayed by the Rapido offer is not entirely reliable, as the system does not identify the correct volume (item) but placed the request on the whole title (whole multivolume).
For example, if the volumes' sequence is "Bd. 1", "Bd. 2", etc. - entering only "1" works. But entering the string "Bd. 1" does not, and ends up in placing a request on the whole title (Rapido cannot parse the "Bd." string).
Another example is for Multivolume works that do not have a digital sequence, but only with letters (A, B, C...), or even text ("Textbook"...). Rapido cannot parse these information so the request will always be placed on the whole title, disregarding the availability of the volumes.
In such case, the patron can even send the request entering a volume that does not exist if the string contains an unrecognised format.
We would like Rapido to consider other formats. For example with an "intuitive" parsing (e.g. as much "Bd. 3" as "Textbook", or "Vol. 3", "Volume 3", "A", Roman Numerals “I” etc.), or by displaying a dropdown menu with options based on what is filled in the items’ description.
Thank you for this idea. See that the CERV 2025 enhancement cycle voting will yield the parsing of 5 additional formats.
Manu_Schwendener commented
Voting for Rapido in Aha is now open, see
"Rapido to parse more volume formats for multivolume works or to provide dropdown for patrons to select multivolume work to be requested"
Manu Schwendener commented
Merci, Renaud :-)
Renaud Arlettaz commented
Dear Manu,
It is done.
Best regards,
Renaud -
Manu Schwendener commented
Dear Renaud
Also add it as a NERS 2023 entry for Rapido? Submission is still open, as far as I know.
Kind regards