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14 results found
Bulk Import References with One CSV/TSV File
We would like to be able to import large amounts of bibliographic information (CSV or TSV format files) compiled in Excel into RefWorks in batches.
22 votes -
Allow an option to write and read the folder a reference is stored in. This could be an RIS extension or use folder name as key word.
It would be convenient to have the folder structure in a Refworks collection of references able to be exported as an RIS file and then read the RIS file back in with the folder structure fully restored. This could be implemented as an RIS extension with a new record type storing the folder or can function within RIS by treating the folder name preceded by a specified text string indicating that the key word is actually a folder. For example, an extension would be creating a new record type such as FF for file folder and code the folder name…
3 votes -
Allow quick import of public shared folder into user's own RefWorks account
If a user wants to add a public shared folder into their own account, they need to export into a RIS file and import the RIS file into their own account, which takes many steps. It would be helpful to have a quicker way to import a public shared folder. This functioned previously existed in Legacy RefWorks; there was an "add to account" button or something like that.
3 votes -
Import Multiple RIS files at the Same Time
Could you improve the system to import multiple RIS files at once?
1 vote -
Link Export and Citation so PDFs and source material automatically loads into Refworks Folder
When you Import a Citation, automatically download the source document (PDF) or URL
1 vote -
Import from text file
It would be helpful if the new RefWorks would provide the ability to insert text into an import page, as is possible in Legacy.
2 votes -
Add 'starts with' option for bulk edit/replace
This would be useful for managing DOIs; DOIs may be imported with no linking prefix or with an out-dated linking prefix and may also pick up unwanted information such as a proxy component to links. Currently bulk edit allows for the removal of outdated and unwanted elements with confidence. This then leaves a basic DOI. A 'starts with' bulk edit option would make it easier to add in the correct prefix only where it is wanted.
This is preferable to using a referencing style to add in the prefix (EG APA 7th - Sentence Casing, DOI: as this…
3 votes -
Add NCBI abbreviations for AMA 11th edition
Abbreviation of journals in accordance with NCBI is inconsistent for AMA 11th edition format. Sometimes the generated citations have abbreviated titles and other times they don't.
6 votes -
Refworks plugin available in Overleaf (LaTeX editor)
A direct plugin to insert bibliography from Refworks in Overleaf (like it's possible with others reference managers as Mendely, Zotero...)
12 votes -
Include referring URL or permalink
RefWorks should capture the referring URL or (when coming from an ExL/ProQuest property) the permalink for a record when importing. This would help patrons go back to where they found the item, in case they need more details about it, want to get the item, or want to find other things like it.
19 votesWe are evaluating this feature for 2020 and identifying the top referring sites for which this should be enabled.
You can post your choices here. -
Clear last imported folder when a new import is made
In RefWorks original, when you import a reference set, the Last Imported folder was reset, so only that import is contained in the folder.
Now, "Last Imported" isn't last imported, it's ALL references imported in the last 30 days!
At best, it now requires the additional steps of selecting and clearing references from the so-called last imported folder before you import new references; and if you forget, the old references are left in with the new references, making it harder to work on only the new references.
If you insist on keeping it this way, then rename the folder "Recently…
17 votes -
Set default folder
How about a feature to set a default folder where refs are uploaded? I'm using the taskbar function to save to RefWorks and I'm required to assign the folder manually from the user interface every time.
19 votes -
5 votes
Copy and paste ready-material citation style from other Sources
Ready-made citations are provided in some databases. However, there is no 'copy and paste' function in Refworks to import them. The articles from four very popular databases cannot be grabbed by 'Save to Refworks' - Britannica School, Questia, Statista and Discovery Education Streaming. But the databases provide citations, it is ashamed that the data cannot be transferred to Refworks easily.
13 votes
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