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29 results found
Allow admins. to add more links to hamburger menu
Allow for custom links to be added to the hamburger menu
103 votes -
Would love to be able to change the order of the content types on the left sidebar of the results page
Instead of content type facet displaying the content types with the highest number of results, make it customizable so admin. can decide which ones show (and in which order) in the abbreviated list.
51 votesWe've committed to do the analysis in 2024 for this feature.
Be able to limit bX Recommendations to fulltext holdings in your library to avoid too many "not available" results
Smaller academic libraries like community colleges will not have a lot of the recommendations suggested by bX Recommender, leading to too many "not available" results for students. For big university libraries who subscribe to 10 times the amount of content, this won't be an issues. For us smaller folks, it would be nice if we could limit bX recommendations to our own fulltext holdings so students would get usable results most or all of the time. bX recommender is otherwise a great tool for even the student who is new to college.
18 votes -
Configuring local thumbnail images to appear on the brief results display for some records in Summon
We are looking into ways in which we can add our own thumbnail image for some select records in Summon. We have manage to do this in the detailed services page but there is currently no way to have the thumbnail image to appear in the brief results in Summon.
15 votes -
Search within Summon Admin Console
The list of features available in the Summon Admin Console has grown large and it can be difficult to find the setting you are looking for. It would be helpful to have a search bar in the navigation bar on the left that searches all the pages and can help locate the desired setting.
15 votes -
Allow Best Bets to be date-limited
It would be great to have date-limited best bets so it's easier to promote events, programs, etc. If implemented, it would be good to include a checkbox option to designate if a post is persistent or date-limited.
15 votes -
Apply the same tag to multiple Best Bets
We enter our databases as Best Bets and add tags for their title and title variations. There are a few instances where we have multiple collections with similar title variations, such as Joanna Briggs Institute. It would be a great improvement if we could add the same tag to multiple Best Bets and have all of them display when that tag is searched; this would also be more consistent with how our database entries in our 'classic catalogue' can be searched.
15 votes -
Fix inconsistencies with HTML display in Custom Panel Sections between admin and production
The editor for Pages > Custom Panel Sections is inconsistent with what's displayed in the Summon interface.
Example #1--I attempted to insert a line break (<br>) in the title of the panel (to have a two-line header for the panel). After submitting, the admin tool properly displayed the line break. In Summon, however, the title displayed as a single line with the "<br>" displaying. It would be good if the panel title display in the admin tool matched how the title would display in Summon.
Example 2: I was editing the panel in source mode and entered bold tags (<b>,…
12 votes -
After updating library locations under Mapping the admin module, you must submit for approval and indexing can take several weeks. You must
After updating library locations under Mapping in the admin module, you must submit for approval and indexing can take several weeks. You must keep checking back to see if the changes are "live" in the status field. Could the admin simply receive an email when they changes are live?
8 votes -
DB recommender - html formatting
We would like to be able to apply HTML formatting in the "database's description" field.
For the moment, it doesn't recognise the tags unlike the public database note field.
Furthermore, we would like to see the "public database note" displayed in the Database recommender.7 votes -
Ability to self-sort library locations in mapping in Admin Console
After making changes in Mapping>Library Locations in the Summon Admin console, it would be helpful to have the ability to sort the library locations table by both the Location Code or the Location Name. I make changes here based on a sorted list I receive from our cataloging department. Having the screen I initially see be sorted in alphabetical order (the same way I receive my list from cataloging) lets me eyeball how much work, if any, is needed. If I could see a sorted list, I could more easily see if we have a location code or a location…
6 votes -
Make it easier to add hyperlinks to custom panels
At present, URLs can only be added to custom panels with HTML. It would be good to have the option of using the rich text editor (or, failing that, adding a URL below the panel's main text, as is possible with Best Bets)
5 votes -
Initiate Best Bets from the Resource.
It would be simpler to add a check-box for Best Bet and text box to insert the description to the resource activation, than to enter that same information separately. Also, the Best Bet would then use the same version of the URL that the link resolver uses, and it would be updated when that URL changes in the Knowledge base.
4 votes -
We would like to add our IPv6 in the client center
We’d like to request the option to add our IPv6 address in the client center. We’ve been using IPv6 for years, and it would be great if you could support this. It would really help ensure we have the best connectivity possible.
I’ve asked about this before, and I noticed someone else had also suggested it, but the idea was closed. I think revisiting this could be really beneficial for those of us who rely on IPv6 to keep things running smoothly and future-proofed.
3 votes -
Customize Content Type facet to display content from specific publications
We received the following request from a teaching librarian today:
Is it possible for all of the articles in the publication Government Finance Review to show up under the Trade Publications limiter in Summon?
It seems like it would be a good feature to make this customizable at the institution level.
3 votes -
Allow publishers ability to search their content in Summon
Publishers whose content is uploaded into Summon should be able to view how these records look from a librarian's perspective. Can a publisher receive some sort of admin account for this? This would make answering our accounts' questions about our records much simpler.
3 votes -
Add more journal platforms (American College of Physicians) to Resource Link Prioritization List in Summon
This could go with other journal titles as well. Our institution subscribed to 2 titles through American College of Physicians with pretty extensive holdings. The titles can also be found via our subscription to ProQuest, but with more limited holdings. When users search for a title in Summon, they will only see the ProQuest holdings and then be told we do not carry the resource. I think adding more individual platforms to Resource Link Prioritization list will fix this. Thanks!
3 votes -
Upping the limit of characters in the menu setting
We would like it if we could up the limit of characters in the menu settings part of the admin tools in intota. Currently the limit seems to be 50 characters.
3 votes -
add subject and abstracts columns in the upload template
we have some library specific databases for information not available yet (no agreements with the publisher etc.). The titles in these databases have no subject or abstract information. It would be great when this information could be added. (add subject and abstracts columns in the upload template)
3 votes -
Summon Database Recommender Management
I would like to be able to sort and filter the list of databases in Summon Admin aka Summon Editor because the list of databases is very long (29 pages). I would like to be able to filter the list to those that are either active or inactive so that I can more easily prioritize databases and review settings for those that need editing. I also need to be able to review recent edits so to confirm that updates took effect correctly.
2 votes
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