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29 results found

  1. Add language translation export/import tool to Summon, 360 Link

    Often translations are incomplete in non-english languages. A facility to export/import translated terms would allow us to easily send text files (XLS) to translators and import into other Summon instances. Allow us to see translated text used by other Summon users. eg. sharing these files across the user community would save a lot of work. Flagging new items added between releases would also help.

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  2. Separate out translation for 'Full Text Online' to be independent from full text content link label

    Request to separate translations out so we are able to change the facet label 'Full Text Online' independently without affecting the labels for our content links. We want our content links to use the same phrase as our other institutional systems, 'View online'. However, the phrase does not make grammatical sense as a facet label. At present these two labels are controlled from one phrase, 'Full Text Online' in translations.

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  3. Would love to be able to search the Summon Idea Exchange by date of submission of the idea! What's new!?

    Would love to be able to search the Summon Idea Exchange by date of submission? Possible? What's the latest hot enhancements from say, the last three months rather than the last three years?

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  4. Ability to default exclude ebook chapters from search results

    I would like the ability to exclude ebook chapters from Summon search results via Summon Admin > Refine Your Search like with the Exclude Newspaper Articles Enabled function.

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  5. Volume & Issues

    In API, may provide Volume & Issue option too to add in each and every journal titles. Once in A-Z list choose by user may select his own required Year, Volume, issues and ToC below in each title.

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  6. Allow full replacement marc uploads without having to approve the load in the content ingestion interface.

    Allowing for full marc record loads without additional approval in the admin interface would decrease the number of steps needed for libraries who wish to always do full marc record replacements. It would also make record upload automation possible through custom scripting or services such as Innovative Interface's Scheduler.

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  7. Database recommendations on Summon over Alma. Add the ability to customize the database descriptions

    In Summon you can customize Name, URL and description of each database recommendation via the Client Center.
    Summon over Alma customers have an uncomplete feature: they can customize Name and URL of each database recommendation (changing name and level url in the corresponding collection in Alma),
    but they cannot change a default database description or add a description when it is not there.

    When a customer has Summon over Alma, the Client Center is not anymore connected to Summon, but it looks like that it is still expecting eventual customized descriptions from there, from the Database Details page.
    If would…

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  8. Increase limit on collected search strings in OBI usage statistics

    OBI usage statistics keep track of the 200 - 500 search strings per month performed by users. These are available in the Summon Popular Searches report available in OBI.

    It would be useful to have access to a more complete list of search strings each month though, in order to perform analysis such as subjects of interest to users or search trends over time.

    This enhancement request proposes to increase the amount of search strings recorded. A preferred options would be to allow institutions to set how many search strings would be recorded per month (ie. ranging from none to…

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  9. Improvement request for Removed Titles report

    If titles are removed to make a zero title database, the information does not appear in the Removed Titles report.

    Example) TitlesWillBeRemoved--September2022

    Therefore, I must constantly check 360KB News to be aware of any title removal.
    I would like that information to appear in the Removed Titles report.

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