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43 results found

  1. Please update the title list for the ProQuest Engineering Collection

    The most recent full upload was in January 2020 and resulting lack of accuracy is negatively impacting discoverability of the titles available through the ProQuest Engineering Collection and affecting students experience.

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  2. 360 Core Client Center Manging Reports

    I see the subject field is available in the Journal report but not in the Tracked Ebooks report.
    It would be useful to have the field subject in the Tracked Ebooks report when you download it,

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  3. Make automatic completion of bibliographic information selectable.

    As for ClientCenter, I would like the administrator to be able to select whether or not to apply the function of automatic completion of bibliographic information to titles registered in Library Specific Holdings. This is because it is sometimes preferable to register bibliography exactly as admin entered.

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  4. Automated Holdings: Nature

    Thank you for building "Auto-holdings management" for the Springer databases.

    Could you also consider to build Automated Holdings for Nature databases?

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  5. 360 Admin API

    360 Admin API is still In Development, so please make it available soon.

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    This idea has been closed by mistake, I apologize for the inconvenience.

    It will be reviewed and addressed by the regular workflow of content requests.

    My sincere apologies.

    Kind regards,

    Tamar Ganor

    Content Product Manager

  6. Please change the contents of "Problem Link Report" email being sent out

    If you don't have the original text in Google Scholar and when clicking find@ and there will be a button to request help from the library. If you use that button to request a copy, an email will be sent to the administrator.

    Could you change the content of "problem link report" email form a little?

    1. Unfortunately, Korean translated version is currently not unavailable.

    2. We have noticed that the provided URL exhibits characteristics consistent with spam. We kindly request that you consider relocating it using the information provided below for improved reliability and security.

    3. Google Scholar has a button to…

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  7. Start Collecting E Media reports (IR_M1) in Intota

    The COUNTER IRM1 report is necessary for ACRL IPEDS survey's e-media usage reporting. As many academic libraries must comply with this reporting, It would be greatly appreciated if you could begin collecting IRM1 reports.

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  8. Filtering titles with status "under review" in client center e-catalog search

    On "e-Catalog" search box in ClientCenter, admin cannot filter titles with "Status Is".

    It will be helpful if we could sort titles on "e-Catalog" search box with the status "Under Review".

    Because some admin would like to register a title as "Under review" title at first and then change it to "Subscribed" at a later time.

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  9. Notification request for zero-title database

    Sometimes, databases in KB seem to be changed to zero-title databases without notification.
    For example, "Optica Conferene Papers" was changed to zero-title database and there was no notification through "Knowledge Articles" on Knowledge Center or "Knowledge Notification" on Client Center.

    Since it may be possible to use other databases to register titles recorded before one database changed to be zero-title one, I hope that notification through "Knowledge Articles" and "Knowledge Notification" to be published whenever Ex Libris makes databases a zero-title ones.

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  10. Add the ability to hide a title from E-journal portal public view in the Client Center

    When "we subscribe to only some of the titles in this database" is selected then titles have to be manually updated. We would like to be able to not check that box so that the collection is updated and maintained automatically, but we want to be able to hide individual titles from public view.

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  11. Search by URL in the client center

    It would be great to be able to search a journal's URL in the client center. Sometimes I need to find out which collection uses a certain URL for a journal and doing a title search + checking each title individually is cumbersome.

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  12. Enable search by full DOI URL

    In the E-Journal Portal, it would be helpful to enable lookup by the full DOI URL.
    For example, entering "" would still search for "10.1016/j.jpag.2021.01.016"

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  13. Enable DOI search for not CrossRef DOI

    360 Link can search content by DOI published by CrossrRef.
    But DOI published by other institute (e.g. JaLC) is not searchable.
    So please enable DOI Search for not CrossRef DOI.

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  14. Block titles across multiple databases

    We want to filter out several publications and publishers from wherever they might appear in our holdings, rather than having to go in and edit the title lists in individual databases in the Offline Date and Status Editor. Once you deselect titles in ODSE, the title list no longer updates automatically and you have to manually update the database lists. We keep seeing the same lousy titles showing up over and over again (especially in various Gale products) and it is a pain to edit them out of every single Gale collection and/or deselect entire databases.

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  15. Ebook Usage Report

    We can see e-Journal usage by title on 360 usage report but for e-Books, we only see Database lebel usage.
    It would be better if we can check e-Books title lebel usage.

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  16. 7 votes

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  17. KBART exporting of 360 collections

    We have the ability to import KBART files into 360 but lack the ability to export collections data in the KBART format. As a result, when libraries need our collections as KBART files we must map the 360 export to a KBART template. Allowing for KBART exporting would simplify this.

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  18. client center

    The Client Center staff-side user interface needs to be updated. It looks and functions almost the the same as it did when we first used Serials Solutions in 2004. It's slow and fails accessibility testing.

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  19. Log Changes to Permissions

    Changes to Client Center Accounts permissions, i.e. 360 Link Admin Console, are currently not logged in 'View Changes'. We do not have a way to check the history of any permissions changes on the account at this time. Having this feature will help us minimize unnecessary confusion and misunderstanding.

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  20. 360 Resource Manager - Contacts

    With many providers moving to URL-based customer support portals, it would be great if the 360 Resource Manager Contacts area had a URL field to record the support portal URLs.

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