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46 results found
Pop up to associate a duplicated with original course or updated course for a different academic year
A newly duplicated reading list remains attached to the same course as the original from which the duplicated reading list was made. We would expect that when a list has been duplicated a prompt box is generated which gives the user the option to associate the reading list with the original course or re-associate it with an updated course for a different academic year.
User story
As an academic I would like to duplicate the current year's reading list which is attached to a course for 2016/17 and create a reading list for 2017/18. Within this list duplication process I…
117 votesSupported via instructor roll over
Get an alert in Task list when a file is uploaded
Instructors uploading a file together with a citation should trigger an alert: the library may want to control and check which files are published, due to copyright issues.
89 votes -
Display physical / electronic availability for citations in Analytics (Course Reserves and Instructor Usage subject areas)
Physical (print) and electronic (ebook) availability cannot be added as columns in these Analytics subject areas. This would be hugely beneficial for most of our daily reports and workflows as we try to ensure that a certain number of copies or electronic versions are available for resources added to reading lists.
An additional requirement is for availability to be shown for records related to the citation. This is because we have separate title records for physical (print) holdings and electronic (ebook) portfolios, and use the related_records parameter in Leganto Customer Settings to display availability for all available formats at citation…
33 votes -
Add Citation ID as column to Leganto Instructor Usage Events subject area in Analytics
Reports created in the Leganto Instructor Usage Events subject area are not useful unless citations displayed can be easily identified and located in Alma. The best way to achieve this would be to provide Citation ID as a column in this subject area.
27 votes -
Make Leganto permalinks and front page available in different languages by including language parameter in the URL
At present, there is no language parameter in the URL for Leganto permalinks or the Leganto front page, which means that even if we toggle the language from our default (English) to another language, and then copy a permalink, the permalink will default to English when opened.
This is a problem for us as, in Wales, both English and Welsh are given equal status under Welsh Government language standards, and Welsh must not be treated less favourably than English. We need to provide links to Welsh language reading lists for courses taught through the medium of Welsh, which should not…
24 votes -
Update Bibliographic details of citations automatically when using Resource Locate
When we use Resource Locate on citations to link to a newer edition of a book, is there a way for Leganto to automatically update the bibliographic data in the citation (edition, publication date, etc.) using the information from the Alma record that Resource Locate is linking to? At present, if we are ordering a new edition then we have to manually amend the bibliographic information of the citation.
22 votes -
Option to receive email notifications for new or changed citations submitted by instructors
We'd like the option to receive emailed notifications for new or changed citations submitted by instructors. This option should be configurable to allow Library staff to select either immediate notifications for each change or daily digests. Each reading list should have the option for staff to indicate whether if they'd like notifications for that list.
19 votes -
Add a "Refresh" option in the Edit Reading List page in Alma so that changes in the Leganto front-end can be cross-checked more efficiently
When working with Leganto front end, there is "refresh" option at the top of the reading list which makes it easy to update things when editing to make sure the latest detail are visible, particularly seeing changes made in Alma reflected in the leganto list.
However, for Library staff there is no easy way of "refreshing" the Alma view to reflect any changes made in Leganto. This leads to users
i) refreshing the browser ("F5") in the Alma view, which takes you out of the list
ii) Going in and out of the Edit Reading list view to update it…19 votes -
Make page range fields obligatory for book chapters and book extracts
The total number of pages on a list is retrieved from the page range fields for book chapters and book extracts, when these fields are filled out. If they are not, the book's total number of pages is used in the calculation.
It is not likely that this field is going to be relevant when choosing these material types so it should not be used in the calculation.
As of today it is possible to look up a book, change it to book chapter, and save it as is, without having changed the page number at all. This causes the…19 votesSupported since October release
Sort list should retain selected value
Currently if you choose a "sort list" option in the Leganto front end (e.g., "list title") then click into a list and then click the "back" button, the sort list option defaults to "My lists on top".
It would be preferable if the sort list value chosen by the user remains.
18 votes -
Configure option to display export to Leganto action for certain usergroup
We do not allow students to create reading lists so the export to reading list action is redundant for most of our users. We would like for staff to see the icon when they are logged in to Primo but otherwise it should be hidden.
14 votes -
Allow Find lists to enable course-level discovery (and departmental browsing) of lists
The current Find lists (February 2018) page is focused on individual List discovery. It does not support overall course-level discovery very well at all (especially for courses with multiple lists).
A 'structured search' can be done, choosing an academic department but no search term (really this is "browsing"). It returns individual lists of reading lists rather than a list of courses for which contain relevant lists.
Course level discovery would meet student expectations of how they see their courses/modules from the course or programme level, and allow student to see other module reading much more simply by seeing all courses…
13 votes -
Add a 'Select all' option to My Collection to allow bulk export/deletion of selected items?
In the "My Collection" list of items, it would be useful if there was a bulk "Select All" option - as well as the individual checkboxes - to allow easier use of the (otherwise greyed out) "Export" and "Delete selected items" options
13 votes -
Display a last review date for a reading list
We would like to know when a list last went to a review. this would be good if this was displayed in the main reading window
13 votes -
Leganto navbar (add 'useful links' to the top of the Leganto User Interface)
The navigation bar (banner/header) in the Leganto User Interface currently does not have the functionality to add 'useful links/URLs (like it does in Primo VE e.g. header links to a 'new search', 'library homepage', 'help', etc.) to it. The ability to add URLs/links to the navigation bar would allow our patrons to access institution specific materials/webpages, such as, user manuals, copyright information, Library homepage, Primo VE, etc..
11 votes -
Order and remove citations in leganto, so users only have the best links at the top of a page.
When an article is available from multiple places, Leganto shows all possible links, which looks messy and can be confusing. It would be preferable to be able to suppress certain links, or re-order them so the 'best' link is at the top. If a link is added manually, Alma automatically overrides it and shows all the links again.
11 votes -
Support search fields in the Leganto Primo Mapping table
In the Leganto Primo Mapping table, PNX search fields are currently not supported (besides search/creationdate). We have the following use case that requires the support of search fields: we want to display thumbnails in Leganto for citations from our many external data sources in Primo VE. To achieve this, we had to map the url of the thumbnail to a Leganto field. Of course, we do not want to display the url in the Primo UI, and we have no free display field that we could use for this purpose.
In addition, it would be also great if local fields…11 votes -
Book covers shown with citations to be retrieved from several sources
Showing the cover of a book togheter with the citation is a feature well appreciated by both students and instructors.
According to Ex Libris, the two sources for thumbnails in Leganto are Google and Syndetics.
We would like Leganto to be able to retrieve thumbnails from several sources, as is the case with Primo today.
11 votes -
More visible separation between course lists and My lists
When clicking on a permalink to a specific course, the lists associated to this course appear first on the page, followed by one's own list.
A thin line separate the first lists from "My lists" but this line is almost invisible and confuses a lot of users.
This line/separation should be thicker/more visible.
9 votes -
Configuration - Disable file upload in reading lists
Institutions should be left the choice to deal with - or not - copyright issues regarding uploaded materials.
The possibility to upload materials to reading lists in Leganto should be a configuration parameter, allowing libraries to switch it on or off.
Uploading files to "My Collection" is of course not problematic.
9 votesYou can set the max_file_size_allowed_faculty_MB to 0.
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