More visible separation between course lists and My lists
When clicking on a permalink to a specific course, the lists associated to this course appear first on the page, followed by one's own list.
A thin line separate the first lists from "My lists" but this line is almost invisible and confuses a lot of users.
This line/separation should be thicker/more visible.

Chris Jones commented
I wonder whether people feel that the sort and my lists filter added in the August 2018 release and associated with SF cases 00463479 00343562 00404230 has gone much of the way to addressing the course list/my lists separation?
Ben Catt commented
I support the second suggestion here - different screens for 'lists associated with this course' and 'all my lists'.
Elizabeth Simpson commented
Perhaps a different colour could be used to help make it more visible? Or have two different options in the menu e.g. 'lists associated with this course' and 'all my lists'.