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46 results found
Leganto Analytics: Guest users’ usage analysis
We would like to have the possibility to elaborate an analysis in order to have data related to student usage that also includes guest users’ usage (students that are not logged in and view a reading list and relative citations).
Our students use Leganto as guest users most of the time. They don’t need to log in to see citations. Lists must always be visible to all. We need to collect this data to quantify the Leganto Usage correctly.
This analysis will help our institutions make correct decisions when managing workflow and strategic choices.
3 votesLeganto currently tracks usage of guest users. All guests are considered one user because we can't have any way to know how many unique users have accessed the system, but the list usage is tracked (Number of full text views, etc). To see guest usage, look at at the Leganto student usage subject area. There is a field in the Student Usage folder called Student type. You can use this field to see usage performed by guests.
Support search fields in the Leganto Primo Mapping table
In the Leganto Primo Mapping table, PNX search fields are currently not supported (besides search/creationdate). We have the following use case that requires the support of search fields: we want to display thumbnails in Leganto for citations from our many external data sources in Primo VE. To achieve this, we had to map the url of the thumbnail to a Leganto field. Of course, we do not want to display the url in the Primo UI, and we have no free display field that we could use for this purpose.
In addition, it would be also great if local fields…11 votes -
Make CITE IT available through LTI integration
It should be possible to install CITE IT through the LTI integration. At the moment it is only possible to install it via the Leganto page.
3 votesIt is possible to install the Cite it tool when accessing Leganto via an LTI link. It is installed from the user menu in the classic UI and the settings menu in the new UI. See attached.
Increase Leganto file size limit from 50 mb
The file size limit for Leganto uploads is 50 mb. We have faculty interested in uploading slides to Leganto, and running into problems due to file sizes above this threshold.
One possible solution would be for Leganto to store files larger than that.
Another option, though probably pretty technically challenging, would be for institutions to use alternative storage space for Leganto uploads (GSuite, Sharepoint, Onedrive, local servers, etc.).
2 votesWe recommend limiting the file size to 50 MB but you can set it to higher than that.
Automatically set the Reading List Status to complete when the Citation Request Status of all citations are complete.
I'm writing about the Leganto's Reading List Status.
I request the function to automatically change the Reading List Status to complete when the Citation Request Status of all citations are complete.6 votes -
Add the ability to detach citations from the repository in bulk
E-resource records regularly change and as a library we have to de-activate and suppress electronic records because they have been withdrawn from a platform or they have migrated from one platform to another. We also subscribe to packages where content regularly drops in and out.
If a citation record is associated with inventory that has been withdrawn, we may need to re-link it to an alternative version of the record that is active. The process and enrich citations tool can locate resources in bulk across multiple resource lists, but it only picks up citations that have been detached from the…
2 votesThe Reading List Citation Update Task (Admin > Run a Job) includes the option to detach citations from the repository in bulk.
Make page range fields obligatory for book chapters and book extracts
The total number of pages on a list is retrieved from the page range fields for book chapters and book extracts, when these fields are filled out. If they are not, the book's total number of pages is used in the calculation.
It is not likely that this field is going to be relevant when choosing these material types so it should not be used in the calculation.
As of today it is possible to look up a book, change it to book chapter, and save it as is, without having changed the page number at all. This causes the…19 votesSupported since October release
Display a last review date for a reading list
We would like to know when a list last went to a review. this would be good if this was displayed in the main reading window
13 votes -
Change the order of sections
It should be possible to change the order of the sections as well, not just the citations. Several of our lecturers have requested this. Today we have to add new sections, then copy the citations and move them to the correct section.
9 votesIt is possible to reorder sections in both the new and classic UI.
Set Copyright status to approved automatically when no file attached to citation.
Automatic copyright clearance based on local rules in Leganto is only possible in the case of citations that have a file attached.
Our wish is that copyright clearance can also be applied when there is no file attached. Our local rule would then be:
"if no file is attached, the copyright status of the citation must be changed to "approved".3 votesSet all citation types to Approved in Citation Default Copyright Status table. Now, all citations will have the default status of Approved when they are added to Leganto. Additionally, configure the File Upload Copyright Options table to have only one option that maps to a different status, such as “Waiting for Approval.”
If the instructor creates a digitization or copyright request (if you enable this in Leganto), or uploads a file, the copyright status will change from Approved to the appropriate status, depending on your configuration.
Section Link from LTI to be able to go directly to section or collapse all other sections. So that you only see the specific section.
Currently when a users uses a section link via the LTI. The reading list open at the top of the page, with all but one section open. However, if the reading list has over 4 sections before the section that is the main section. The user needs to scroll down to that section, this is not user friendly. It would be better, if when a user opens a section via the LTI, it takes the user directly to the section as the permalink does. Or collapses all other sections, so that only the section is showing.
1 voteSee Leganto > UI > Settings: on_section_permalink_use_filter
Display Permalink option with the Section Menu (even for non-instructor/student)
It would be nice to allow the Permalink function to be displayed in the Section Menu even for users who are non-instructor of the course or just students. There is a top level display (reading list) and a low level display (citation), a middle level display (section) on a general level would be helpful.
3 votes -
Ability for ProQuest books to pull and analyse Leganto reading list data with customer permission to check for ebook availability
Would be so useful for Proquest books to be able to identify ebook availabity from our Reading Lists. We would then be able to use this data to decide if we wanted to then purchase the 'e' copy. The data supplied to the customer must include the module number that the 'match' was found against.
3 votesPlease speak to your ProQuest representative to request a Title Matching Fast report for your Leganto reading lists.
NERS: Addition of citation type for book extract, not book chapter
Attaching a screenshot with the planned development
2 votes -
Allow links from Alma Reading list course information to the Courses part (where role-appropriate) to ease checking/modifying course detail
Although complicated by considerations of space and multiple course associations on a single list, from a unified workflow perspective it would be very helpful in Alma to let library staff navigate back and forth from a Reading list to the related course(s) information. Currently this is rather clunky as if a list is created by an instructor or LTI method, or otherwise lacks details/needs correction, you have to leave the list to go into Courses separately and re-find the thing you have just left, and then go back to the list again.
It would make sense in an unified resource…
0 votes -
Display physical / electronic availability for citations in Analytics (Course Reserves and Instructor Usage subject areas)
Physical (print) and electronic (ebook) availability cannot be added as columns in these Analytics subject areas. This would be hugely beneficial for most of our daily reports and workflows as we try to ensure that a certain number of copies or electronic versions are available for resources added to reading lists.
An additional requirement is for availability to be shown for records related to the citation. This is because we have separate title records for physical (print) holdings and electronic (ebook) portfolios, and use the related_records parameter in Leganto Customer Settings to display availability for all available formats at citation…
33 votes -
Update Bibliographic details of citations automatically when using Resource Locate
When we use Resource Locate on citations to link to a newer edition of a book, is there a way for Leganto to automatically update the bibliographic data in the citation (edition, publication date, etc.) using the information from the Alma record that Resource Locate is linking to? At present, if we are ordering a new edition then we have to manually amend the bibliographic information of the citation.
22 votes -
Make Leganto permalinks and front page available in different languages by including language parameter in the URL
At present, there is no language parameter in the URL for Leganto permalinks or the Leganto front page, which means that even if we toggle the language from our default (English) to another language, and then copy a permalink, the permalink will default to English when opened.
This is a problem for us as, in Wales, both English and Welsh are given equal status under Welsh Government language standards, and Welsh must not be treated less favourably than English. We need to provide links to Welsh language reading lists for courses taught through the medium of Welsh, which should not…
24 votes -
Copying Citation From One List Directly to Another
Copying a citation from one list to another requires adding to the citation to My Collection, and then going to the target list and opening My Collection, locating the citation, and moving it over. This request is asking for the ability to use the Citation menu to copy a citation from one list directly to another via a course lookup like the one in the Course Association functionality. This would save time and effort, and reduce clutter in My Collection.
0 votes -
Download data from analysis mode
Instructors can now see statistics about their own lists.
It would be great if they were able to download this data.1 voteThis functionality already supported.
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