Allow links from Alma Reading list course information to the Courses part (where role-appropriate) to ease checking/modifying course detail
Although complicated by considerations of space and multiple course associations on a single list, from a unified workflow perspective it would be very helpful in Alma to let library staff navigate back and forth from a Reading list to the related course(s) information. Currently this is rather clunky as if a list is created by an instructor or LTI method, or otherwise lacks details/needs correction, you have to leave the list to go into Courses separately and re-find the thing you have just left, and then go back to the list again.
It would make sense in an unified resource management system to be able to process a list and be able to click through and edit the course information - whether changing Course title information, participant numbers, term, Course year, section info, etc. This is often custom information.
If role restrictions were required, it could be made a course reserves Manager privilege or similar.
A similar point about Alma List<>Course navigation was made in this request
which aimed more at the TaskList landing page. In contrast, This idea relates to the Edit Reading List page itself, and the course data in the header area (so within a list).

AdminMiriam (Leganto BA, Ex Libris) commented
Already supported in May release.
Miriam, Leganto B.A. -
Chris Jones commented
In a sense, this is also related to course searchability issues in Alma more generally, see: