Leganto Analytics: Guest users’ usage analysis
We would like to have the possibility to elaborate an analysis in order to have data related to student usage that also includes guest users’ usage (students that are not logged in and view a reading list and relative citations).
Our students use Leganto as guest users most of the time. They don’t need to log in to see citations. Lists must always be visible to all. We need to collect this data to quantify the Leganto Usage correctly.
This analysis will help our institutions make correct decisions when managing workflow and strategic choices.

Leganto currently tracks usage of guest users. All guests are considered one user because we can't have any way to know how many unique users have accessed the system, but the list usage is tracked (Number of full text views, etc). To see guest usage, look at at the Leganto student usage subject area. There is a field in the Student Usage folder called Student type. You can use this field to see usage performed by guests.