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141 results found
Clean-up job for operational repository file system
Currently the clean-up job removes old data from deposit storage. Clean up job should clean also Operational Repository / Storage Repository Group file system. Data related to finished SIPs or committed IEs should be remove after some period from the FS path which is configured for operational repository.
The job should not remove data in TA area.
best regards
Milan8 votes -
UI interface - Deposits: Delivery XSL Files | Details xsl viewer
i have been working in the XSL viewer / editor -- to make it readable i have to copy and paste the information out of the XSL window -- reformat the information to make it readable -- however when I paste the reformatted XSL file into the Rosetta XSL editor the formatting gets lost -- for example <xsl:for-each> all of the information is wrapped back to a single line -- it would be great if the formatting is maintained in the Rosetta XSL editor
1 vote -
UI interface - Repository | General Settings | Events Configuration
It wouls be greate if we could sort the display by 'Event Type' as this will allow easier matching to the Rosetta Configuration manul Appendix C whch lists events by ID number
2 votes -
I want to have the collection reversely sorted in Rosetta back office in the collection management. (Z to A)
I want to have the collection reversely sorted in Rosetta back office in the collection management. (Z to A)
1 vote -
I want to search all members of a specific set that I created on Search for Object page(not on Sets page)
I want to search all members of a specific set that I created on Search for Object page(not on Sets page) to and and export(view) more columns like Date (DC), Is part of (DC), etc.
The set has its ID so we though it's possible to search the itemized set itself by building a search query.
31 votes -
Rosetta UX
I am currently working in Rosetta 5.4 and there are a couple of UX isues that would make using the prodiuct a lot easier.
One of these is on the pull down list. It pwiuld be good if the pull-down lists were sorted alphabetically - for example when adding a New Deposit Material flow when I access the 'Select conent structure' the list that is display is in some sort of order but it is definettly not alphabetical
1 vote -
New (additional) print / download functionality with configurable / restricted amount of pages
Because of new legal situation we may offer for our users to print or download a part of restricted documents, currently 10% per session.
This means we would like to integrate an additional functionality in our viewers with a download/print button, which calculates and allows to download / print 10 percent of opened IE, only once per viewer session.
Maybe it is possible to enhance the new Rosetta "download all" feature with this requirement? From user guidance we see this at the same position and configurable via delivery rules too.
1 vote -
Update Logical and Physical Structure Maps via Rosetta Back Office
For IEs that have both a physical and a logical structure map, we would like to be able to globally change the default logical and physical structure map labels for Preservation Master in the Rosetta Back Office.
Ryan Edwards
Digital Access and Systems Librarian
Information Systems
Getty Research Institute
1200 Getty Center Drive, Suite 1100
Los Angeles, CA 90049-1688
310.440.73982 votes -
Configure General Rep Viewer to display logical structmap
The General Representation Viewer only displays the physical structmap if there is one. It should be possible to to configure the Delivery Rule / Representation Profile for the General Rep Viewer to show the logical structmap instead.
1 vote -
Containerize the Rosetta Server Infrastructure
We would like to be able to install and run the Rosetta server in a docker container.
Docker containers allow infrastructure to be managed more efficiently and at scale. Also, running Rosetta in a docker container would allow us to have the option to deploy it into cloud infrastructure.
23 votes -
Solr Startup Checker Plugin
After having had some issues with the new default Solr port in Rosetta, I suggest creating a startup checker plugin for Rosetta to test for Solr availability. Possible error scenarios involve:
1.) network down
2.) Name resolution down/misconfigured
3.) Solr default port closed in the local firewall / Solr not listening- & 2. could be checked by pinging the other servers' DNS names (NOT the IPs), which would test network availability and DNS resolution in one step. As Rosetta servers usually are located in the same subnet, we don't have to worry about ICMP firewall restrictions.
- could be tested…
5 votes -
Best fit mode for the JWPlayer in IE viewer
With the new IE viewer in version 5.4 the JWPlayer (for video and audio) does not have a best fit parameter meaning that the right-hand side of the player is hidden under the metadata pane. The only way to see the whole player is to close the metadata pane manually or zoom out in your browser. We would like to see a “best fit” parameter added to the JWPlayer in Rosetta so that the behavior would match the jpeg viewer (which fits itself to the frame by default).
Ryan Edwards
Digital Access and Systems Librarian
Information Systems
Getty Research…1 vote -
Scheduled Reports with Institution in Email-Header
When Scheduling Reports for different Institutions, the Email received does not contain any information about where the Data comes from. If you want to know IEs in permanent, you would not know wheter it is about Institution A or B. It would be great if the Institution or a custom information-text-content would be sent either with the email or be included in the report itself. The Report in my special case is "Repository Stats" in "Data Management".
2 votes -
change to Rosetta METS XSD re: duplicate file IDs
During a recent batch of deposits (see case 00477041 from the Getty for more info) we figured out that, due to an error in our one of our input files that creates the METS, our original METS file did not have unique file IDs in the structMaps for the preservation master and modified master representations. It was simply repeating the same file ID from the access file representation.
For some reason, this did not cause a METS validation error when we validated against the Rosetta XSD before deposit, nor when it was deposited. However, it resulted in the METS in…
3 votes -
Producer Mandatory Fields shall be controlled by a code table
As of now (version 5.3) there is no code table to control which fields are optional or mandatory when adding a producer.
We provide Rosetta as a service and the details (name, email, telephone etc.) of producers can be seen across the installation. This means that staff user 1 from institution A can see the details of the producers of all the other institutions. The workaround is to enter 123 as telephone.
Basically we would like Rosetta to be fully compliant with the concept of multi-tenancy.
Until this can be reached we would like to see code tables in use…5 votes -
Add report in migration plugin
The migration plugin is part of preservation and is the way in Rosetta to migrate bitstreams from an obsolete format to an uptodate format. It is a script plugin receiving a file and delivering the newly migrated file.
For purpose of transparency it would be necessary to add a report about what has changed. For example when migrating pdf to pdf/a it might happen, that a font was included or even replaced. Having a report would implement a well documented preservation workflow. Depending on the migration tool the report might be quite complex.So it would be nice to add…
43 votes -
Configure the delivery rules to display only logical structure maps, and not physical ones
We would like the ability to configure the delivery rules to display only logical structure maps, and not physical ones as for one of our institutions, we’d like NOT to deliver the physical structMap, and only the logical one.
Ryan Edwards
Digital Access and Systems Librarian
Information Systems
Getty Research Institute
1200 Getty Center Drive, Suite 1100
Los Angeles, CA 90049-1688
310.440.73981 vote -
Additional rule input parameter: material flow
Since the organization levels in Rosetta are limited to consortium and institution, we often have to ingest objects of different origin an type into a single institution. This poses problems as for certain sources you want to activate more or less extraction and/or file extension rules that for other sources. Currently we have to leave the more permissive rules off, make the SIPs fail and end up in the TA, enable the permissive rules, rerun the SIPs and finally disable the permissive rules.
This is a pain and requires many manual interventions that are error-prone and can influence other ingests…
1 vote -
Ability to integrate our Ingest tool with Rosetta
We are looking at supporting the ability to add a new format to our Ingest tool, in conjunction with this we would like that to trigger some type of API call to Rosetta and add the file format as an allowed format as well.
In Rosetta you can add a new file extension in the Submission Format area of the UI. We have provided the option to add a new format in our Ingest tool, So once they do this, we would like this to trigger an some type of API call to Rosetta and add the new file extension…
1 vote -
Support the ability for Rosetta to request IEs in batches
We would like Rosetta to work more efficiently when the storage layer is tape based, particularly for exports. Could Rosetta request IEs in batches from the storage layer. when exporting large collections from tape a file is retrieved from tape one at a time.
11 votes
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