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199 results found
system checks
I have been running the system checks via the 'Rosetta Administration' -- when the job runs to completion you do not get an alert that the job has completed with no issues other that the 'No records were found' message
This may cause confusion especially if when accessing the 'System Checks' the message 'No records were found' is already being displayed
This is not an issue but it would be nice to get feedback that after running the system checks that no issues were found.
It may even be great to get a checkbox against each of the actions showing…
1 vote -
File level access restrictions to be inherited from PM/MM REP to AD REP
we are using access restriction on file level for some of our items. For PM REP we can assign this automatically via task chain, but this approach does not work for AD REP (tasks cannot be used). Unfortunately when there are files in PM REP with access restriction, this access restriction is not inherited/copied to AD REP during the enrichment process. So we need to go to AD REP and manually add/change the AR for the files which need to have it.
It would be great if we have either have a task chain which would copy the file restrictions…1 vote -
Full Validation Stack for BYTESTREAM Objects
We have a growing number of deposits where data enters the archive in container formats such as .zip and is usually not extracted for various reasons. Examples include zip containers which are part of a larger complex object IE such as the content of a CD or a as zipped supplementary data to a journal article where the zip container is referenced from with the publication.
In this case, files in BYTESTREAM are extracted during ingest for metadata extraction, but are stored as container formats in permanent. But there are some shortcomings compared to the regular validation stack:
• no…
33 votes -
Allow Rosetta to be exposed as a non-root URL
Our Rosetta instances are all behind a firewall and accessible through a reverse proxy.
In order to sanitize our host names and improve the integration with our other services, it would be beneficiary to be able to access Rosetta in a sub-path of an existing URL. So instead of the url: we would like to use
2 votes -
Exclude file level dmdSec from publishing
We use the out of the box Update Metadata Job fairly regularly. The first part of that job is to run a publishing configuration that outputs the XML to the server. We'd like the option to exclude the file level dmdSecs from publishing, as we have some IEs with thousands and it results in a very large XML file that is difficult to work with. We generally only need to edit the IE level dmdSec so the additional XML is unnecessary.
0 votes -
Web Services: 1. new argument for SOAP/REST: institution code / 2. general limitation of answers to content of a certain institution
we would like to limit the content delivered by a SOAP/REST request to data belonging to a certain institution.
We assume there are several ways to reach this goal.
A first approach could be to introduce a new argument ("institutionCode") similar to producer ID:
<arg2 xmlns=""></arg2> //producerID
as used in e.g. getDepositActivityBySubmitDateRegarding a more fundamental solution:
As a constortial leader we are especially interested in functionalities that support Rosetta's multi-tenancy approach.
Therefore we would welcome a general limitation of web service request answers to content of the institution of the requesting user.
Thanks for your considerations
3 votes -
Enhance DCReplacePlugin to be able to replace empty/NULL values from the DC field replace value
1 vote -
multi-client capability for external migration in Preservation Plan
In a preservation plan it is possible to migrate objects using external alternatives. To do this, the objects are exported, migrated externally and then re-imported.
Unfortunately it is not possible to configure the export path. Therefore it is also not possible to perform migrations separated by institution. At other places in Rosetta this is already implemented. For example, an export path can be entered when exporting an IE. To enable Rosetta's multi-client capability, it would be necessary to separate by institution when exporting in the Preservation Plan.20 votes -
Allow export of all instances of an element from Search for Objects
When you use the "Search for Objects" from the Data Management menu you can customize the columns and then export those columns easily to a CSV file. One issue we have is that only the first instance of an element is displayed and exported. For example, if we have multiple occurrences of dc:identifier only the first one will show and be exported. We would like all instances of each element to be included - perhaps with a separator like a semi-colon (or something else).
9 votes -
UX: improve list view of IE delivery rules
The IE delivery rule list contains the following fields:
- active
- name
- description
- creation date
- modification date
- commands view, edit and deletethe dates and commands take up half of the screen, not leaving much space for the name and description. Both these fields are rarely descriptive enough to fully understand the implication of the rule and we have had several occasions where an operator added a rule, changed the order or modified a rule without understanding its impact. Resulting in wrong viewers being used or even files not viewable at all.
We think the…
3 votes -
Material flow simplification by making things optional
Currently the material flow combines amongst others, a restrictive list of access rights, retention policies and metadata fields. These operate as restrictions on which access rights, retention policies and metadata fields can be supplied by the submitter. We suggest to make it possible to opt-out on any of these restrictions. That would benefit customers that have automated submission workflows outside of Rosetta where the metadata is already checked for validity and fully under control. It would also help solving human errors when new ARs are created, but forgotten to be added to their respective material flows. If it not possible…
4 votes -
Rosetta REST API to Retreive IE
Would like a REST API which will retrieve a Rosetta IE METS record
You can retrieve the METS by adding 'dps_func=mets' to the delivery URL -
however, the delivery manager will not deliver the METS information if there is are access rights preventing the delivery of the digital asset
so would like a way to retrieve the METS data regardless of the access rights on the asset
1 vote -
Additional Rosetta Collections REST API
The current Rosetta REST APIs return infromation about a collection structure.
We would like a REST API which will return all of the IEs attached to a Rosetta Collection
The information is currently stored in the Oracle VIEW COLLECTIONMEMBERSVIEW
3 votes -
Preservation Sets - Search levels IE/REP/FILE
as a preservation manager I would appreciate to be able to switch between the search levels IE/REP/FILE when working with Preservation Sets.
I agree, that migrations are on file level, but it would be helpful to know how many IEs/which IEs are involved in a Preservation Set. The test set also shows a list of IEs. Furthermore a lot of information for toubleshouting comes on IE-Level: view problematic IEs, view skipped objects, reports on locked IEs,...1 vote -
BagIt-Validation based on 1.0 standart
By manuel ingest, the validation of Bag according to 1.0 standard, is not fully supported. It does not check the tag manifest file checksums for their correctness. Maybe there are some other holes which you can add in a comment.
9 votes -
Web Service for Bagit ingest to automate the whole process
Beginend from Rosetta version 5.2 functionality for Bagit must be improved in further versions. Especially a new web service for Bagit ingest must be developed, because no one want to do manual ingest per GUI interface the whole day if there are a lot of Bagits waiting to be deposited. My option is to improve submitDepositActivity so it can recognise Bagit Structure and so on. Or if it is to complicated to rebuild submitDepositActivity, than to develop a new one. Hope to see this web service in a near future. Sincerely yours, Serhiy
12 votes -
Verify numbers of files in CSV and Zip match as part of CSV/Zip deposit method
As part of the CSV/Zip deposit method, Rosetta verifies that all files in the CSV are in the Zip. It does not, however, check if all files in the Zip are listed in the CSV.
We recently discovered that for 5 of our IEs, the CSVs were incomplete and missing a few thousand files. Even though the Zips contained more files, the deposits went through successfully and the files not listed in the CSVs were not preserved.
I propose that as part of the deposit process, Rosetta checks the number of files in both the CSV and Zip and verify…
3 votes -
Closed Caption capabilities
We are creating MP4 deliverables with soft embedded 'Closed captioning'. In addition, we have the WebVTT file used to create the 'closed captioning'.
We would like the OOB Videojs to allow customers to switch on/off closed captioning. At the moment this capability is not present in the OOB viewer. This support is available for VideoJS - This functionality needs to be added as an enhancement to the VideoJS player and any new OOB Video players
This is also accessibility issue that we need to address
1 vote -
Save Set information for repeated Processes
Save Set information for repeated Processes
When setting up a recurring Process that uses a Set with different values each time, Rosetta does not keep a record of the Set values each time it is generated, so that you cannot Rerun the previous Process instances in History. We propose a change to the recording of Set metadata so that each time a Set is used, its values are stored, thus allowing a Historical Process to be rerun at a later date. An example is rolling fixity checks, wherein a different range of SIPs are checked each day using the same…
1 vote -
Searching for Derivative Copies
As a Preservation System, Rosetta does not record any detail relating to Derivative Copy content in the METS. This is not inconsistent with Digital Preservation philosophy, but it does mean that Derivative Copy contents cannot be discovered using a Search Query or API calls from external applications. This seems to conflict with Ex Libris’ spruiking of Rosetta as a DAMS, since all content within a traditional DAMS (including Derivative material) can to be searched and accessed using standardized queries. If the DAMS operability is going to be further developed in Rosetta, will Ex Libris add further functionality to discover Derivative…
1 vote
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