Searching for Derivative Copies
As a Preservation System, Rosetta does not record any detail relating to Derivative Copy content in the METS. This is not inconsistent with Digital Preservation philosophy, but it does mean that Derivative Copy contents cannot be discovered using a Search Query or API calls from external applications. This seems to conflict with Ex Libris’ spruiking of Rosetta as a DAMS, since all content within a traditional DAMS (including Derivative material) can to be searched and accessed using standardized queries. If the DAMS operability is going to be further developed in Rosetta, will Ex Libris add further functionality to discover Derivative Copy content outside of having to open an IE in the Web Editor? This current drawback is one of the main reasons that we at SLNSW are opting to use another application to act as a DAMS (delivery/discovery), and use Rosetta as a Dark Archive for actual preservation material only.