Collection Discovery : Add a button "View this collection as search results"
Beside the buttons to display a collection as a Grid or a Gallery, we would like to have a button to get the collection items in the result list, with the brief display and the facets. This could be a deeplink on the Collection ID with a "query=cdparentid" in the URL.
Please note that there exist two very close ideas:
But this idea groups both features.
Thank you.
Manu Schwendener commented
@Florianne you do already have the link Stacey is talking about (if I understand it correctly): it's at the end of the details section, called 'Collection path' / 'Chemin d'accès à la collection'
So all Ex Libris would need to do is show this link on the page of the collection, for ecample above the single titles.
(of course it should be a setting that the institution can choose to show or hide)
Manu Schwendener commented
60 and and 136 votes in the two ideas Floriane links to.
Floriane Pochon Levit commented
@Stacey You are right I should have chosen a different category. About the lateral link, that's a great idea, unfortunately in our environment it would not work - with several Primo views sharing the same IZ, we can't retrieve the view code from the collection ID.
Stacey van Groll commented
This would of course be a nice feature for Primo sites overall, not just those on VE as per the tagged category.
I've added a lateral link by local field into main Primo for all records in Collection Discovery, mapped to a local 'Collection' facet to meet this need for a good connection point into main Primo, in returning all results in the collection.
But it requires for a user to open a record and find the lateral link, whereas this is a very nice idea to add a button which would be much more visible.