Indicate the other fields in use for an advanced search in collapsed mode
When a user undertakes an advanced search and chooses dates, language or resource types, those limits are not shown to the user who may forget what they had searched for as they review the results.
The user then makes changes in the collapsed view and not realise that they need to expand it first to change those other fields.
At minimum there should be an indication that those fields are in use so they know to expand it again. Ideally those field selections should be shown in the collapsed view.
Screenshots for inspiration only. Design experts or community feedback welcome on how this should be improved.
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Jack commented
Did Ex Libris say that they will offer an option to disable the Expand/Collapse feature completely? I still don't like the way you have to hit Expand in order to add another search term.
Manu Schwendener commented
I had voted for this, but changed my mind: as long as only the search term is visible, it is very clear that to access any details, you have to expand 'Search criteria'.
With more info in the collapsed state, the option to expand will get overlooked too easily, in my opinion. -
Natasha Stephan commented
Agreed. There is no reason not to show some indication of all of the parameters chosen.
Nancy Babb commented
Agreed that the current collapsed display does not provide enough contextual information for the user.