Define preferred pickup location in personal details of my account
As a user of a large library network, I usually pick up the books I loan at library Z. When making a request I have to scroll down or use the search function in order to find library Z at the bottom of the very long list of pickup locations.
I would like a new feature, so that I can define my preferred pickup location as library Z in the personal details of my account. So, my preferred pickup location would always be displayed at the very top of the list of pickup locations. Plus, I could see at one glance, if an item is not available for pickup at library Z.
This would make requesting books much quicker and more comfortable for me.

This idea will be considered for the new Primo discovery experience.
Best regards,
Manu_Schwendener commented
> fewer than 30 votes
No, 40 votes, please reopen.
Manu_Schwendener commented
NERS 8814 User-defined favorite libraries that get preferential ranking in the Get It section and Libraries facetOpen for voting now.
Manu Schwendener commented
> so that I can define my preferred pickup location
Or the pickup location I last used gets saved, as is the case in Rapido.
= There's no need for a separate "pick your favorite pickup library" function, just copy what Rapido already is doing.
Edit 4.7.2023: the feature broke in Rapido with the June release, target fix January 2024
Manu Schwendener commented