Collection discovery - sub collection searches
We welcome the enhanced searching on the top level of collection discovery however we have found we also need full searching over our nested sub collections. This is not only useful for users of PrimoVE but also for local data scopes as we require them to accurately include sub collections in search profiles.

This is to inform you that this is planned to be developed in the NDE new UI.
Best regards,
Manu_Schwendener commented
Nathan Schwartz commented
Other collection managers such as DigitalCommons and ContentDM searches include sub-collections. There should be a simple switch to turn on this functionality, if not this should be the native way searching in a collection works. Most would assume to be searching the container and all sub-collections.
AlmaD Digital Collection only allows sub-collection searching from the "Lobby" top-level landing page. It is also important to notice the lack of Refine My Results facets in the AlmaD interface.