Please add to the PRIMO VE mapping table documentation the last update date and mark the new changes in red.
We recently discovered that the Primo VE mapping table was updated with new information.
It would be very helpful if you could add last update date and mark in red the new information, the same way that LC mark in red the new information in Marc 21.
If you would apply this suggestion also to other documentation pages it would be great.
Manu_Schwendener commented
By now, _some_ pages show in the RSS feed what has been changed, but not all of them.
The screenshot is from this page , and the deciding factor must be that it has a version number.
It would be great if this could be done for all pages going forward.
This would be in addition to the points from the first post.
Manu Schwendener commented
Yes, this is needed on all documentation pages.
I'm glad that the documentation pages can be followed by RSS = you get notified when the page changes. But at the moment there is no way to then check _what_ has changed, which is really frustrating.