Wrong holdings information for FRBR-grouped books outside of IZ
An institution owns a specific edition of a book, ex:https://bibsys-almaprimo.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/primo-explore/fulldisplay?docid=BIBSYS_ILS71566408110002201&context=L&vid=SSHF&search_scope=default_scope&isFrbr=true&tab=alle_bibliotek&lang=no_NO
When extending the search scope to other libraries, they may find other editions of the book, which they don’t own (https://bibsys-almaprimo.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/primo-explore/fulldisplay?docid=BIBSYS_ILS71566408110002201&context=L&vid=SSHF&search_scope=blended_scope&isFrbr=true&tab=alle_bibliotek&lang=no_NO ).
The original/owned book's barcode is shown for the other edition(s) as well. This is unfortunate as it is quite confusing (contradictory messages, give the impression the library owns resources it doesn’t), and can lead the user to order the wrong book.
The availability status is correct but the holdings information is not. The ISBN should be used here to prevent tis from happening, instead of the holdings being based on the title only.
According to Ex Libris (#00628723), this is by design: " this issue is indeed connected to the FRBR-grouping of the two records - because they are FRBR-grouped, you can see the items for both records in each of them".
The only solution is to disable the FRBR-grouping. This is not an option for us to have it disabled in the local index, so we are hereby suggesting that another solution be found, preventing the problem described here, while having FRBR-grouping enabled.

Manu Schwendener commented
I'm not sure the links in post 1 are still showing what you describe; Sørlandet Sykehus – by now – has both the 2010 and the 2018 edition.
I also can't switch to another search profile "When extending the search scope to other libraries".
If this is still open, could you post new links to illustrate the problem?
Fredrik S. Pettersen commented
This is still an issue for us, nearly two years after it was originally launched as an idea. I hope Ex Libris will change their mind regarding this functionality, as it is still causing confusion amongst our members.