Collapse Advanced Search
When using advanced search it would be ideal to collapse the search box header area so users can see the results right away without scrolling. Most user's screen resolutions are small and they aren't aware if the search was executed without having to scroll down the page. By collapsing the advance search area after the search is executed then the users be able to see the results.

Thank you for this idea. The search results now are more visible to users in the Advanced Search, especially for tablets and small laptops. Primo and Primo VE automatically collapses the Advanced Search form, triggered by a search or a click on hypertext link, allowing the users to view the search results and the search summary line. If needed, users can expand the Search Criteria form.
Manu Schwendener commented
This will come with the March 2022 release in Primo VE; looking good in the sandbox :-)
Manu Schwendener commented
Made it through NERS 2021, should be possible by September 2022.
Manu Schwendener commented
NERS 7265, open for voting now.
Manu Schwendener commented
Or jump down on the page to the results, leaving the part with the search parameters open, but out of sight.