Ability to choose more granular subject links and not just the entire string, as in: "Comic books, strips, etc -- Social aspects -- United"
Ability to choose a section of a subject links and not just the entire string. E.g. "Comic books, strips, etc -- Social aspects -- United States" can only be selected as a whole, but not as individual parts, such as "Comic books, strips, etc."
Thank you for this suggestion. This is now part of Primo November release, read more “|Support Display of Subject Chains in Full Display (New UI Only)” https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Primo/Release_Notes/2019/001Primo_2019_Release_Notes
Katharina Wolkwitz commented
Hi everybody,
being able to search for the single parts of the subject-chain is really nice, but paying for it with the ability to search for the complete chain as well seems a big price to pay.
I've had a look at the pnx-record of the records in question and found that the problem seems to be in the links in the display.
The search-terms themself are looking quite promising already:
For a subject chains like this
Subjects:Wasserdampf > Technische Anlage >
Wasser > Strömungstechnik > Anlagenplanung >
Brauchwasser > Wasseraufbereitung > Technische Anlage > Korrosionsschutz >
the corresponding search-fields are:
<subject>Technische Anlage</subject>
<subject>Wasserdampf / Technische Anlage</subject> <subject>Wasser / Strömungstechnik / Anlagenplanung</subject> <subject> Brauchwasser / Wasseraufbereitung / Technische Anlage / Korrosionsschutz </subject>
But one can only click on the single subject-terms and there is no way to chose the chain as a whole.
Perhaps it would be possiblen to change the display of the chain
Wasserdampf > Technische Anlage >
Wasserdampf > Technische Anlage >>
and the ">>" contains the link to search the chain as a whole.
What do you think?
Jane Daniels commented
That's interesting & very welcome because the records that we publish to Primo are a mixture. i.e. some have FAST headings and some do not.
If it is possible to create facets from LCSH why do we need FAST headings as separate entities?
Sarah Johnston commented
Thanks Nili! VuFind catalogs do a great job of this, see the subject links in Villanova's catalog for example:
as you progress down the subject chain, each of the subheadings is added on to the query string.
Lacey M. commented
This is really important missing functionality that is available in many other catalog systems (e.g. VuFind). In Primo/PrimoVE, our users can't fully take advantage of linked searches by subject heading because the only allowed search is on the *full* subject heading string.