Controlled vocabularies and metadata field limits
To aid in the discovery of both researchers and assets, it would be great if the following functionality were available:
- Ability to limit keywords/research topics at the researcher level
- Ability to limit the length of the describe your research section of the profile
- Availability of more controlled vocabularies - preferably not LCSH, but a blend of subject-specific vocabularies (MeSH, Inspec, MLA, etc. -- maybe even the controlled vocabularies from the old CSA indexes given how good they are for the social sciences)
- Ability to limit keywords to just items from controlled vocabularies
We had an extensive discussion today with a consultant working with our Provost on bibliometrics, and it was indicated that these actions would go a long way toward discoverability of our people and scholarship.
Mark Paris
shared this idea
Saleena Chiu commented
I also posted an idea similar to yours.