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37 results found

  1. Ensure the DOI field enables hyperlinks to work

    I've noticed when you pull references into a biliography the DOI links rarely worked - despite double checking them. Then when clicking on the DOI link in RefWorks, the links rarely work then either. This means going through all my references once exported and going back to the original article and copying and pasting the original DOI (which looks the same as in RefWorks) to get a working link. Must be something to do with background programming. Can it be changed?

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  2. Offer an option for bulk downloading attachments from the RefWorks library

    Hope to offer an option for bulk downloading attachments from the RefWorks library.

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  3. Refworks citation manager - where a citation indicates "(missing data)" there should be an easy method for determining

    Refworks citation manager - where a citation indicates "(missing data)" there should be an easy method for determining exactly which elements are missing rather than a trial and error process. Perhaps Refworks could provide an indicator within the citation creation process as to which fields will result in missing data if not completed.

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  4. citation in text with APA7 must have the option of "page number" (p.x) in text. For example: (González, 2012, p. 234)

    citation in text with APA7 must have the option of "page number" (p.x) in the text. For example: (González, 2012, p. 234)

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  5. Add "Ref ID" as a field to an output style.

    The authors that I work with like having a bibliographic style that shows the Ref ID in the very first field, before the author last name etc. Thanks in advance!

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  6. Output RefID to reference list

    Could you please add function in order to add RefID field when we edit or create citation styles?

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  7. Duplicate references

    In RefWorks Legacy it was possible to duplicate references in edit mode. - This was a very helpful tool for example when editing book chapters. Please also implement in RefWorks.

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  8. Remove database permalinks from APA 7 formatted citations

    The various APA 7 citation styles reference list citations erroneously include the permalink to database records when exported from such database vendors as ProQuest and EBSCOhost., as shown here:

    Kudlats, J., & Brown, K. M. (2021). Knowing kids makes a huge difference, part II: Advancing a conceptual framework for positive principal-student relationships. Journal of School Leadership, 31(5), 451-477.

    Because so many of our databases come from these vendors, our users are required to extensively edit their reference lists. While we always advise the necessity of proofing and editing RefWorks citations, such a glaring and consistent error discourages our…

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  9. Field mapping and labeling - motion picture

    In the Video reference type the labels ‘Studio Location’ and ‘Distributer/Studio’ are used. However, in the Motion Picture reference type, instead of ‘Studio Location’ the label ‘Place of Publication’ is used.

    This is confusing for students. Can the label be modified by RefWorks or alternatively is there a way to customise it locally for our institutional style?

    There is also a strange mapping issue between Motion Picture and DVD:
    - If you have a record in ‘Video’ ref type format and change it to ‘Motion Picture’, you have to do delete ‘Medium’ and then add it again (otherwise it does…

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  10. Request for update to AGLC4 in RefWorks

    We would like to request that an update for AGLC4 be done in RefWorks. This style has been out for a while now.

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  11. Make it faster

    For something that it paid for, my RefWorks is always moving REAL slow compared to other paid reference managers I've used (mainly EndNote). RefWorks seems to have trouble handling the 2,000+ references I've accumulated (and continue to accumulate) over my career.

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    Thank you for your feedback. We have introduced improvements to optimize performance in RefWorks. Note, that performance is also affected by connection speeds, as RefWorks is a cloud-based service.

  12. Enable customizing the dash between the page numbers

    RefWorks automatically uses a dash between page numbers in bibliography and I can't customize the dash. My uni requires us to use en dash in bibliography and I have to always edit it to the bibliography after creating it. It would be so much easier if i could customize the dash in citation style editor.

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  13. Make more author name flexibility possible!

    Currently, anything that does not follow a strict last-first name format doesn't work in Refworks. (E.g. the citation manager can't handle "Paul VI" as an author.) This seems like it would be so easy to fix by the use of quotation marks or some other indicator to keep the formatting as it is typed by the user. The entire world doesn't strictly follow Western-style naming traditions....

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  14. Strengthen email verification process

    During the recent problems with SSO we've been encouraging students to use the forgotten password option to create an alternative password.

    This has highlighted that students often mis-spell or use incorrect email addresses when initially seeting up their accounts.

    Despite the fact that on setup RefWorks asks students to confirm their email address, students can bypass verification and potentially go on to use RefWorks with an incorrect email adrress attached to their account.

    Strengthening the verification process, e.g. by activating accounts only upon reciept of the confirmation email would help to avoid this.

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  15. Clearer web page instructions for creating an alternative password for RCM.

    More detail of how to set up the alternative password option would be useful. We no longer recommend using WNC and want to encourage new users to try RCM. The current account management page doesn't make it very clear:

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  16. public URL: output style and search function

    Sharing folders publicly I'm missing the option to choose between different (customized) output styles as well as a search function. This was available in the old version.
    For exernal users without refworks accounts the publications lists are not very comfortable to use.

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  17. APA 7th style should insert HTTP prefix to DOI, not require it to be hardcoded

    The DOI metadata field should include literally just the DOI, so that users can switch styles without having to manually edit every record. The 7th edition style is forcing users to hardcode the in the DOI field which renders it unusable for any other style that doesn't use that format. Instead require the user to NOT have any characters (eg doi:) in the DOI field other than the actual DOI, and apply the prefix to the data when generating the bibliography for APA 7th citations.

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  18. Make it possible to add the RefID to an export or to a custom style

    We would like to export from New RefWorks with a RefID included. At this moment, the default export options don't include the RefID and it's not possible to add the field RefID to a custom style.

    Use case: two researchers have to look at the literature for a systematic review and decide on inclusion or exclusion. They want to have a list in Excel with title and abstract and RefID to make it easier to compare and clean their list afterwards. This is possible in Legacy RefWorks, but not in New/ProQuest RefWorks.

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  19. Enable open URL link resolver buttons in shared folders opened by non-RefWorks users

    Enable open URL link resolver buttons in shared folders opened by non-RefWorks users

    I am my campus' RefWorks administrator and a reference librarian. We use RefShare in legacy RefWorks to send search results to our patrons. Use of our search service nearly trebled during the three years after we licensed legacy RefWorks and we believe this is largely due to the presence of a "GetIt@UNMC" button in each record in our RefShare format search results. Many search service users became interested in using RefWorks after receiving search results in RefShare format. A "shared folder" feature without "GetIt@___" open url link…

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