Write-N-Cite - overview of new / old versions
It would be great to have a page where not only the latest version of WnC will be downloable, but also an overview of previous versions and known issues connected with these versions.
Because Proquest rather does not inform about found bugs, I am quite often not sure if it is absolutely necessary to download the latest version or not. We would also be able to better respond to queries from RW end-users who report non-standard RefWorks behavior.
Thank you for your feedback. We are not planning any new development for the WnC feature, as WnC is planned to end by Q2 2025. We recommend using the RefWorks Citation Manager going forward. More information can be found here: https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/RefWorks/Knowledge_Articles/Write-N-Cite_(WnC)_to_RefWorks_Citation_Manager_(RCM)_Migration
Tomas Virgin commented
It's a shame you don't have any new developments planned for the WnC feature. This would significantly improve my situation both in work and in studies. It also helps me in my studies https://residencypersonalstatements.net/ This is a good and reliable resource that can save you nerves and time
Jana Machonska commented
Hello, can you please advice where the overview is/will be available? I noticed that there is a new version 4.6.279 but it is not clear how it differs from the previous one?