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174 results found

  1. Put in a duplicate/copy folder option

    In order to show progression of research it would be much easier if you could make a copy of a folder and then continue processing this new copy to maintain a record

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  2. Edit author

    Sometimes authors have to be entered in manually. This is especially the case when I import PDFs - RefWorks captures the wrong authors. However, it would be easier if we could rearrange the order of authors manually. Currently, if I accidentally delete the first author or skipped a third author, I can't go back and add these authors in their correct order. Instead, I have to re-type all the author names again in the correct order.

    Please allow authors to be manually added and allow us to add authors in a specific order/ wherever we click in the author section.

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  3. Accents

    we can not use the accents in Spanish on last names

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    Completed  ·  1 comment  ·  User Interface  ·  Admin →
  4. Deduplicate more than 2000 references simultaneously

    Enable deduplication of larger numbers of references than is currently possible

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  5. Enable customizing the dash between the page numbers

    RefWorks automatically uses a dash between page numbers in bibliography and I can't customize the dash. My uni requires us to use en dash in bibliography and I have to always edit it to the bibliography after creating it. It would be so much easier if i could customize the dash in citation style editor.

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  6. Inclusion of page numbers in the numeric styles with RCM, specific AMA 11th. ed.

    The citations style AMA 11th. ed. is a number style with superscript. Although the focus is on numbers it is possible to add page numbers to the superscript according to the AMA Manual of Style: A Guide for Authors, 2020, p. 64.

    With RCM it is not possible to add page numbers - I have tried to use the suffix-field - but it does not respond on "Edit citation".

    I did the same thing within Mendeley Cite and EndNote - using the suffix-field - and in these programs you can add the page numbers to the AMA superscript style.


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  7. Update folder counts upon import

    Currently, after importing references from a file and specifying a folder location, the folder count isn't updated until a browser refresh. This can be troublesome because it then prompts to (re)import the folder.

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  8. Remove final periods from footnote citations with multiple references

    In Chicago Notes & Bibliography style, footnote citations with multiple references are showing the final period (".") after each reference, even though RefWorks is correctly separating each reference with a semi-colon (";"), as per the Footnotes settings. Can you include a setting to automate removal of the final period?

    For example, when I add a footnote with one citation with RefWorks Citation Manager in Word, it correctly formats it as such:

    Clifford Geertz, The Interpretation of Cultures; Selected Essays (New York: Basic Books, 1973).

    However, when I add a footnote with two references, it does the following:

    Clifford Geertz, The

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  9. Request to modify Japanese in the admin screen

    Could you please confirm if it is possible to modify some parts of Japanese?

    I want you to modify the Japanese in the users section of admin tools.
    I have attached the PDF file of the detail.

    If you need further information, please let me know.

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  10. RCM Sort options: Ascending/Descending and within search results

    RCM search only sorts in descending order, nice for Dates but less for text fields (Author, Title). Toggle ascending vs. descending of a sort field would be ideal.

    Also, I notice that when searching for a reference in RCM, there is no sort at all. Adding the same (or any) sorting to RCM search results would really help.

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  11. Ensure the DOI field enables hyperlinks to work

    I've noticed when you pull references into a biliography the DOI links rarely worked - despite double checking them. Then when clicking on the DOI link in RefWorks, the links rarely work then either. This means going through all my references once exported and going back to the original article and copying and pasting the original DOI (which looks the same as in RefWorks) to get a working link. Must be something to do with background programming. Can it be changed?

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  12. Document convert tool to match Legacy citations to new Refworks

    For Word documents created with Write-N-Cite but linked to a legacy Refworks account, have a WnC conversion tool. It would match the citations in the document, to records in the New Refworks account. Auto-convert might not be possible without matching record IDs, but maybe field matching could offer a suggested match to "confirm" at each citation link in the MS Word document.

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  13. promotional materials

    A nice on-boarding idea: How about some promotional materials for new REFworks subscribers? We have a resource fair in the fall and would love to have something tangible to hand to students to promote this awesome product. :)

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  14. 3 votes

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  15. Allow users to link their ProQuest MyResearch account to New RefWorks

    At the moment, you can only link the two if you have an account in the old RefWorks.

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    I am happy to update that this has been completed. MyResearch users who have a (new) RefWorks account can link their accounts. Refer to the release notes for more information:
  16. Legacy vs New Proquest button does not save choice to always choose

    The "don't ask me this again" checkbox does not work. I need to make this choice everytime I import. Even after clearing cookies.

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  17. Sign Up Interface - Customize/change "Enter your [University] email to begin"

    Need the ability to customize the word "University" in the sign-up interface, or change to "Institutional"/"Organization". This causes much confusion at sign-up because we are not a university, but have many affiliated/cross appointed university staff causing account confusion.

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  18. Include the Area of Focus on the admin user report

    Include both the user type AND the "area of focus" on the user admin reports.

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  19. Add APA 7th edition it was released on 10/1/2019

    Add APA 7th edition it was released on 10/1/2019

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  20. add deduplication feature for shared folders

    We would like to deduplicate even in shared folders.

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