We would love to see MARCIVE's GPO database added to the PCI.
For more details, see:

After meeting with the MARCIVE rep during ELUNA, it is confirmed their sales model will not allow the creation of a MARCIVE collection in the knowledgebases.
Therefore I am closing this idea.
Kind regards,
Tamar Ganor
Content Product Manager
Elizabeth York commented
Hi Rael & Ex Libris,
We're interested in knowing how this is progressing. We see there is a collection titled "Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (CGP)" in Alma with link in record records, but we're not sure if this is the planned GPO Marcive collection. Could Ex Libris please let us know, is this the planned GPO Marcive collection? If not, could we please have an update on how this is proceeding? Thank you!
Elizabeth York commented
Thanks, Rael, for this update! We are looking forward to this! I'd just like to note that in order for MARCIVE records to work well in the KBs, Ex Libris will need to obtain the full MARCs from MARCIVE. Just loading a KBART file or title list won't work because many of these items don't have ISSNs or ISBNs. So, I'm hopeful you'll be able to load the full MARCs supplied by MARCIVE into the CZ!
Tina Gross commented
There is so much redundant work going on around the country, with many libraries loading the same records. It's a huge waste of time and effort. And it would be easy to avoid!
Ben Hockenberry commented
I appreciate the Anonymous commenter (2020-07-20)'s description of the GPO record set overwhelming local results. However, without the record set being available as a CDI source, institutions cannot make the choice to include them without going through separate and time-intensive MARC loads. I would like to see GPO content available to activate in CDI, optimistically trusting that Primo's relevance ranking and facets will appropriately surface local records.
Anonymous commented
A no vote. I remember from my intesive reference work at a partial GPO Depository that the GPO results were enormous and that they often buried/obsfucated the local resources. I would prefer to only add such resources if I as a researcher were interested in the additional content as I cast my net. So the question would become, would our users know of this effect and how could they quickly adjust for it in the OneSearch environment? Are the limiters strong enough to be able to quickly remove the results?
I'd be very cautious with this "improvement."
Anne O'Reilly commented
Please add these resources!
Erin Grant commented
This would be a big help.
Clay Williams commented
Please Add Marcives GPO DB --they are wonderful resources for the students
Bernice Suphal commented
Please add Marcive's GPO database to the PC--it should be included.
J.A. Drobnicki commented
Government documents should be included in CDI .
Mariana R. commented
A plea from a reference librarian to do this! It's so confusing for students otherwise.
Rebecca Arzola commented
Yes, please add Marcive's GPO database to the PCI.
Sean O'Heir commented
Please add the Marcive GPO DB to the PCI
Nicole Smith commented
Yes, please!! This is critical for us in Gov Docs to streamline workflows.
Louise Fluk commented
Agree that government documents should be included in CDI.
Daniela Kroon commented
I am also curious to know what the status of the review is. Having the records available in CDI will streamline workflows, making records available seamless for retrieval.
Kevin J Collins commented
Government documents should be included in CDI .
Nancy Babb commented
Any update on this content?
Tim McCarthy commented
Ys, this would be welcome!
Nancy Babb commented
We would also like very much to see MARCIVE GPO in the PCI. Any status updates on this collection?