We welcome your ideas for new content (metadata) to add to the Knowledge Bases (KBs - Alma CZ, SFX, 360) and Discovery services (CDI - Central Discovery Index whose data supports Primo and Summon).
- Check if your idea has already been posted and vote for it before posting a new idea.
- Choose the right category: "New Provider" for content from a provider that has no available content in the KBs or CDI, or "Existing Provider" for content from a provider that already has content available in the KBs or CDI.
- Add a direct link to the provider/resource you suggest, and a contact person if possible.
- For enrichment requests add the relevant collection ID(s).
- Make sure you mention any specific added value your idea has to the community such as language or supporting diversity.
- Did you find errors in an existing collection? please open a case.
- A new year has begun but no corresponding annual collection? post an idea in Idea Exchange, make sure to mention if it is an existing provider.
- Existing Provider - if your idea is for a new collection from a provider that already has content available in the KBs and CDI or enriching records for an existing collection, use this category. No voting is necessary, ideas for existing providers will be handled regardless of voting.
- New Providers - if your idea is for content from a provider that does not have any content available in the KBs and CDI, choose this category.
- Other - for non provider specific ideas
124 results found
BIBSAM Brill collection
Please add new BIBSAM Brill journals collection to the Knowledgebases.
1 voteHello,
We will reach out to GOKb who manages BIBSAM collections and ask for the metadata.
Kind regards,
Tamar Ganor
Content Product Manager
Digital scholar lab
Can you please add Gale's Digital scholar lab to Alma?
1 voteHello,
We will reach out to Gale, and ask for the metadata of this collection.
Kind regards,
Tamar Ganor
Content Product Manager
Request to add Torrossa_eBook_Single_Purchase collection
Dear Ex Libris, Support,
Per Casalini ALMA KB shall have a collection called TorrossaeBookSingle _Purchase. We are not seeing it. May we request to add it to ALMA kB.Thank you,
Mariyam3 votesHello,
We will reach out to Casalini Torrossa and ask for the metadata of this collection.
Kind regards,
Tamar Ganor
Content Product Manager
World Biographical Information System Online (WBIS)
Please add the World Biographical Information System Online (WBIS) to the Alma CZ.
Title: World Biographical Information System Online (WBIS)
Provider: De Gruyter
URL: https://wbis.degruyter.com16 votesHello,
We will reach out to De Gruyter and ask for the metadata of this collection.
Kind regards,
Tamar Ganor
Content Product Manager
Add Elsevier "Backfile Package - Environmental Science including Supplement 1 (2006) [YUV]"
Please add Elsevier's "Backfile Package - Environmental Science including Supplement 1 (2006) [YUV]" to the community zone. KBART file available on their website - look it up by "environmental science." Thanks!
3 votesHello,
We will reach out to Elsevier and confirm the metadata for this collection.
Kind regards,
Tamar Ganor
Content Product Manager
New Database Request: Cuban Culture and Cultural Relations, 1959-, part 4: Music
Please add a new database to the client center for Cuban Culture and Cultural Relations, 1959-, part 4: Music from Brill. The starting URL is Thank you.
1 voteHello,
We will reach out to Bill and ask for the metadata of this collection.
Kind regards,
Tamar Ganor
Content Product Manager
Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 2010-2015
Can we please add separate collections for each year of the Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society from the years 2010 to 2015? (Totaling 6 new collections)
2010-2012 are in the backfiles, but 2013, 14, and 15 are missing entirely.
5 votesHello,
We will reach out to AMS and ask for these annual collections.
Kind regards,
Tamar Ganor
Content Product Manager
Create Springer Nature Withdrawn Ebooks Collection
Please work with Springer Nature to create a separate withdrawn titles collection in the 360 KB for Springer Nature e-book content that is not available to new customers but continues to be available for existing customer.
[Ex Libris note: Related to support case # 07159418]
9 votesHello,
We will reach out to Springer and ask for metadata for this collection.
Can you confirm if these titles are part of the Autoholdings collection?
Tamar Ganor
Content Product Manager
Archaeopress Journals
We have a small collection of journals that we get from this publisher. We see they are not represented in correct collection in ALMA and also some of the titles are listed as ebooks.
We would like to add them as journals. The titles are below. Thank you so much for adding it to ALMA. I see an old ticket we had with you was closed,
• Ash-sharq, Bulletin of the Ancient Near East, 2514-1732,
• Aramazd : Armenian journal of Near Eastern studies, 1829-1376,
• Koinon the international journal of classical numismatic studies, 2631-5874,
•…3 votesHello,
We will reach out to this contact and ask for the metadata for the journals collection.
Kind regards,
Add Digital Dissertation Consortium(DDC) to CZ
Digital Dissertation Consortium (DDC) is a consortium for purchasing ProQuest dissertation titles together, and the purchased content is hosted in a home-grown system, maintained by TBMC, accessible at While the resource content belongs to ProQuest, the platform is managed by the local system. For further details, please refer to the case#07181867 in iQuest.
4 votesHello,
We will reach out to DDC and ask for the metadata for a Knowledgebase collection.
Kind regards,
Tamar Ganor
Content Product Manager
KU Focus Collection: Global Warming and Responses 2025-2027
Dear ExLibris Support,
We just pledged to these collections. May we request to add these to ALMA KB? We wanted to put it out there.
Thank you,
Mariyam3 votesHello,
We will reach out to KU and ask for the metadata for this collection.
Kind regards,
Tamar Ganor
Content Product Manager
KU Select 2025-2027 SDG Full Collection
Dear ExLibris Support,
We just pledged to these collections. May we request to add these to ALMA KB? We wanted to put it out there.
Thank you,
Mariyam3 votesHello,
We will reach out to KU and ask for the metadata for this collection.
Kind regards,
Tamar Ganor
Content Product Manager
4 votes
We are checking with Gale about the metadata of these collections.
Once I have a timeline, I will update the idea.
Kind regards,
Tamar Ganor
Content Product Manager
1 vote
We will check with AM about the metadata of this collection.
Kind regards,
Tamar Ganor
Content Product Manager
Add "OVID Nutrition and Health Database 1969 to Present" to Alma
There is a database that my institution bought and subscribed to, but is not available in the CZ in Alma. It is through Wolters Kluwer and Ovid called "OVID Nutrition and Health Database 1969 to Present." Please consider adding this to Alma.
Platform: OvidSP
Publisher: International Food Information Service (IFIS)
Product Type: Database
Specialty: Food Science & Nutrition
Language: English
Update Frequency: Weekly
Coverage: 1969 - Present
Data Type: Bibliographic with Abstracts
Number of Records: 450,000+
Records Added Annually: ~60,000 [based on 2023 figures]
Publication Types Indexed: Peer-Reviewed Journals, Books, Trade Publications, Conference Proceedings, Patents, Standards, Reports, Reviews…3 votesHello,
We will reach out to Ovid to ask for the metadata for this collection.
Please be advised that metadata for A&I databases is presented in CDI only, and it will be created as a database in Alma CZ.
Kind regards,
Tamar Ganor
Content Product Manager
EIU Viewpoint - Add content to CDI
There is an EIU Viewpoint database in Alma. Can you ask EIU for metadata to add reports, forecasts, etc. to CDI? Or add portfolios to the collection?
3 votesHello,
We will check with EIU regarding metadata for CDI or to add portfolios for a full text collection.
For CDI metadata we may need to setup an agreement, which can take time. And for a full text collection the records may not have enough metadata to be properly presented in the Knowledgebases.
I will update the idea once I have some information to share.
Kind regards,
Tamar Ganor
Content Product Manager
Target/Collection: ASTM journals hosted on ASME platform
ASTM (American Society of Testing and Materials) is in the process of moving their journals from their ASTM Standards and Engineering Digital Library database to another society's (ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)) platform, see .
There are portfolios for the ASTM journals set up under the ASME Digital Collection Journals collection (Collection ID: 611000000000000172). I've activated a second version of that collection, given it the 'ASTM Digital Library Journals' public name and activated the ASTM journal portfolios under that collection. Since the ASTM journals are purchased separately, it seems to me that they should be under a separate…
5 votesHello,
We will reach out to ASME for the collection metadata and setup.
Kind regards,
Tamar Ganor
Content Product Manager
Add Taiwan e-magazine platform- KONO Libraries into Alma CZ & CDI
We would like to add a e-magazine platform- KONO Libraries to ALMA CZ and CDI. Here is the title list -
14 votesHello,
We will reach out to KONO and ask for the metadata.
Please be advised that for discovery purposes, there are legal agreement requirements, so it might take longer than expected.
Kind regards,
Tamar Ganor
Content Product Manager
adding RKMA Publications 2025.
Please add RKMA Publications 2025 through the provider Richard K. Miller & Associates. The title list can be found here:
4 votesHello,
We will work with the RKMA to create this collection, and update on the timeline.
Kind regards,
Tamar Ganor
Content Product Manager
LUNA Commons - Luna Imaging - ideally, i would like to include the images from these collections into the Central Discovery index. The collections provide access to historical maps and museum image collections that would be valuable for research.
ideally, iw ould like to figure out a way to harvest these records for collection discovery, but including these images in CDI would be a useful first step.
3 votesHello,
We will reach out to LUNA Commons - Luna Imaging and ask for the metadata for CDI.
Kind regards,
Tamar Ganor
Content Product Manager
- Don't see your idea?