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251 results found
Bulk updating of citations across reading lists
One of our tasks in checking reading lists is ensuring that the version of each title is the latest edition. Acquisitions staff will check book citations on a reading list and, if there is a newer edition available, purchase and replace the citation on the list with this new version.Problem
When a specific title is used on multiple lists, Acquisitions staff are having to manually identify all citations using this title, add the newer edition to the reading list, and remove the older edition from the reading list.Staff are also having to manually transfer any specific reading/public/resource…
247 votesWe are closing this idea as the functionality requested in the original idea can be done using the new edition replacement feature requested via NERS. See the April 2023 release notes for more information: https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Leganto/Release_Notes/2023/Leganto_2023_Release_Notes?mon=202304BASE
There is also a video showing the feature: https://youtu.be/yo-U31sxhzo?si=29LoGLH803yqgALY
Language as part of a citation - duplicate
This is a duplicate of an existing Idea. The original Idea has status Accepted, but Ex Libris will not implement this without some more traction of the idea. You can't vote for an Idea with status Accepted, thus a duplicate.
We would like that the language of the document to be part of the citations. In a non-english speaking country as Norway there are political interest to see how much of the reading are in Norwegian and how much that are in other languages.
Language is a part of the records in Alma, and also for the records that are…
237 votes -
Multiple rollover
The rollover functionality is great and is used to reduce the workload for the staff.
We have encountered one issue. What we have seen is that the work on the establishing of the courses themselves in the course management system (external system) often takes a long time and there are changes throughout the year. That means that at the point where the library would like to perform the rollover there will only be a portion of the courses that are ready in the course system. This means that there are a need to perform a 2nd rollover at a later…
216 votes -
Give book extract citation type its own title field
We like the concept of the book extract citation type, but would like it to operate more like a book chapter type rather than an article.
We would like to give them titles like "Questions from Chapter 14", or use section headings that may be on the page of the book. If there was nothing obvious to use in the book, then we could make up a description of the extract [Extract from ch. 4].
For students this would give them a clearer idea of what they are supposed to read rather than just seeing the whole book title.
181 votesAvailable in October release
Ability to maintain our own subject lists
The current subject categories are unusable, for example there are 3 categories for Horticulture, plant breeding and plant propagation but nothing for Business or IT. You have a category for Heraldry, which isn't that common but nothing for physiotherapy or midwifery. As for Seals is that to do with heraldry or the animals?
We have had to turn them all off as a result. Can we have a function to maintain our own subject lists with the ability to add our own entries?173 votesAvailable in April 2019
Develop an update process between the Parent record (ALMA) and the added appointment in Leganto
It is important that they develop an update process between the Parent record and the added appointment in Leganto, that is, whenever there is an update or change in the records (MARC, holdins, items) of Alma that are referenced in the lists of reading Leganto. Currently these changes are not automatically updated in the reading lists . Por example we make changes at the classification level, in metadata and reading lists in Leganto are altered and we must re-reference or load the lists. It would be a excelllent if this process were automatic.
Thank you162 votesAvailable in Feb release
Trigger Owner Subscription Letter on rollover and on active auto_set_instructors_as_owners
We would like the Owner Subscription Letter to activate when instructors are automatically set as owners to corresponding reading lists. We would like this to happen on rollover as well.
The Leganto Notification Letter is to imprecise to function well as information for the instructors when they have been added as owners to a reading list.
We can't see why the OWS only triggers when you are added as an owner when in Leganto, or when added in Alma and you actively choose "Send E-mail".
Now we need to retrieve the contact information from Course Reserves in Analytics. Since these…
145 votesAvailable in November release
Citation Processing rules to use same Leganto real time availability merge rules for purchase requests
Ideal Scenario:
We currently have a citation processing rule set to automatically trigger a purchase request, if a book has a particular tag, and there are no E versions of the P available in repository. If there is an E copy available then the purchase request should not be triggered. If no E version is available, but the citation meets all other parameters in that particular citation processing rule, then a purchase request should automatically be triggeredIssue:
The problem at the moment is that, Leganto is not relating our E version to our P, and so is still…139 votes -
Display tags on page showing multiple lists a citation appears on
When you click on the "Demand in other lists, other courses" alert, the subsequent page (screenshot included) presents you with a table of all other lists where a citation appears. It would be really useful if this table displayed the tags associated with the citation on each list.
We use tags to inform our purchasing quantities, so when currently reviewing lists, we are having to go in and view the citation on each individual list to check for tags.
129 votes -
Return people to page once logged in
We have an open search page for Leganto and make our lists open as well. Because of this people will often find lists in different ways i.e. not just following the link from the VLE.
If you find a list that is open and then log in, or if you are on the open search page and log in, you are always taken to the "My lists" screen.
I propose that when you log in you are returned to the page you started on i.e. if you are on a list page and log in you are returned to the…
129 votes -
Citation menu options should be available from citation view
It would be helpful if there was more access to the citation menu options when viewing the citation in Leganto. Users should be able to Copy to my collection, Send to Library, Mark as Read, get LTI Direct Access, get a permalink and Set Complete.
Where this is a real problem however is for instructors who are using the Unlink LTI option on a citation from the LMS. To unlink, they follow the link to the citation, then have to know to go to the section to find the citation and its menu.
Ideally both unlink and relink should be…
128 votesAvailable in Feb release
purchase request workflow made leaner
When a purchase request created via Leganto, is 'approved and ordered', this generates a PO number, which although appears as a link, doesn't then let you edit the purchase order after clicking on that link. You have to instead copy and paste the PO number into the search box and go from there to edit it further.
Please can you make this process leaner by allowing users to edit the PO through the link in the [popup message that appears, after approve and order is selected. Please see attached document for details of the workflow.
124 votesWhen reviewing a PO line in view mode, an Edit option is now available. The visibility of the edit button depends on PO line status, PO line assignment. Additionally, the user must have a Purchasing Manager or Purchasing Operator role.
The list of PO line statuses that allow editing are:
In Review
Waiting for renewal (Manual or Auto)
Waiting for Packaging (Manual or auto)
Waiting For InvoiceFor more information please see Alma August Release Notes:
https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Alma/Release_Notes/2020/Alma_2020_Release_Notes -
Display availability of citations when direct linking is enabled
When direct linking is enabled, Leganto displays a "View Online" link for every citation regardless of whether or not it is actually available online. Availability is only calculated after the user clicks "View Online." If the item is not available, they are redirected to a blank screen with the message: "No full text available". This is an unnecessarily confusing and frustrating user experience and different from how direct linking works in Primo, where "View Online" only appears when full text is available. This enhancement would allow availability to be calculated when the reading list is loaded to avoid confusion and…
117 votesAvailable in July
Allow uploaded files to be deleted in Leganto
It's not possible for lecturers to delete files from citations once they have been uploaded - they must ask library staff to do this in Alma. Can it be made possible for files to be uploaded in Leganto?
114 votesAvailable in June 2019
The system don't sort correctly the citations without principal author
When we order a list by author, If you don't have a princial author, it does it wrong. We would like it to be possible to order taking into account field 700 "Additional person name".
At this time, if there is no principal author, it orders it randomly and it is not a behavior that we want.
113 votesAvailable in March release in the new UI interface.
More facets on the Reading Lists Task List
Thank you for changing some filters into facets, but in order to make better use of this functionality, we would like to add more facets.
It would be a great improvement if we could have Academic Department, Course Terms and Assignee as facets as well.
Then we could easily sort the list to match each liasion librarians need for easy overview to his/her's Reading List Task List.
The facets we have today doesn't help very much in order to filter the list into a manageable task list.
Maybe it could be possible to customize the facets in the same way…107 votesAcademic Department, Terms List, Course Year, List Assigned To, and Assigned Date (the most recent date that the list was assigned to an operator) were added as facets to the Reading Lists Task List. These fields are all columns on the page, as well.
for more information please see:
https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Alma/Release_Notes/010_2019/Alma_2019_Release_Notes -
Duplicating lists - navigate automatically to new list
When a user duplicates a list we would expect Leganto to navigate automatically to the newly created (duplicated) list rather than the original list.
This has caused confusion for some users, who do not realise that they need to navigate to 'My Lists' in order to find their duplicated list. This has resulted in lots of duplicate draft lists appearing in our system which are not required.
106 votesAvailable in August release
Disable or hide the integration with Facebook
Institutions should be left the choice to hide or disable the integration with Facebook.
Some institutions have for example a policy where they don't allow users to change their profile pictures, so the "Connect to facebook" feature is not welcome.
102 votes -
Update the citation field labels when resource types other than Book or Journals are selected
Currently when a user selects citation types for video or audio etc, the field labels are not updated to match accordingly.
Mapping of fields such as that used in reference managers like Endnote would help for better display to students, and help instructors to enter appropriate metadata. eg. For a video in the more details section the labels mention pages. "Total pages" could be relabelled as "Running Time".
100 votesAvailable in Dec 2019
Stopping list creation from Leganto interface
Allow libraries to configure an option to stop academics creating new reading lists from the Leganto interface, but still allow them to edit lists created by the library.
99 votesAvailable in New UI February release.
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