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199 results found

  1. Events for DNX Validation

    with version 6.0 DNX validation was introduced for METS deposits and any AIP update. Furthermore the .xsd will be versioned. As for now I cannot find any event describing the validation process, the name and version of .xsd used for validation, the agent, the event outcome (success). I would appreciate events documenting this validation. In my opinion this is worth a provenance event, like file format identification event 25.

    5 votes
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  2. Add Error Logs to Preservation Plans and Preservation Executions/ Technical Issues

    while working with preservation plans, testing alternatives I would appreciate to have more information about problematic IEs. Error Logs like in Submissions/Technical Issues/ would be helpful. Please add "View Errors".

    10 votes
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  3. Add "View Migrated Objects" to Preservation Executions History

    as a preservation manager I would appreciate to find the history of the execution of signed-off preservation plans in one place. Therefore it would be helpful to have the list of migrated IEs ( the report of event 355 - Representation was added by preservation plan) in Preservation/Preservation Executions/Signed-off Plans/Executions History/Blocks History, for example as "View Migrated Objects" in addition to "View Skipped Objects".

    5 votes
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  4. Create task/job for adding/updating file-level metadata

    I know I can add file-level descriptive metadata (DC) individually to a file in the back office or use the web services to do that for many files at once, but I want to be able to add metadata to a batch of files using a process in the back office. In my case, I would be adding the same DC record to a large group of files but I can also see the need to have a different DC per file so I would send Rosetta a bunch of DC XML files - one for each file PID, similar…

    3 votes
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  5. Use .LOCKED file or similar while IE export is still in progress

    When exporting large IEs with multiple REPs, it is hard to tell whether the export is finished or not. This becomes especially problematic when running an external automatic job which pulls IEs from the export directory before export has actually been completed.
    It would be beneficial to flag a partially exported IE, e.g. via a .LOCKED file which is deleted once the export is complete.

    7 votes
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  6. Pass hostname and port into publishing XSL

    Currently the XSLs in "Administration" -> "Configuration files" -> "XSL Transforms" -> "Publishing" require hardcoded hostnames and ports (because hostnames and ports are required by links going out by OAI-PMH). This requirement means that we can't use the same XSL on both the STAGING and PROD but need to make changes between the two.

    Hostname and port should be passed in as parameters to the XSL, so that these don't need to be changed.

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  7. Expand the search scope of the search box on web collection page

    Is it possible to expand the search scope of the search box on web collection page from the current collection to all its sub-collections and itself?

    For example, I tried to search IE2119194 by its partial title "South Korea's economic puzzle" on the following page;

    but no matching IEs were found, because the IE belongs to the collection(id=109127824)'s sub-sub-sub collection(138846884).

    • 109127824 > 138830885 > 138834664 > 138846884
    4 votes
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  8. Option to check fixity on export

    Currently, when you export a file, REP or IE from Rosetta you will get an error if there is a problem with exporting the file. However, we have had at least one instance where the file seemed to export without issue but the file couldn't be opened (it was corrupt) and we were able to see that the checksum of the file did not match the checksum stored in Rosetta for that file. This helped us diagnose an issue with the way our storage layer was delivering the file. If Rosetta included an optional checksum calculation on export (the type…

    32 votes
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  9. OAI Harvester Job - Configurable Time Out

    As of now (Version 6) it is not possible to configure the time out of the OAI harvesting process.
    When trying to harvest from a server that takes 1 min to answer (with resumption token at a given number) the harvester job fails.

    We would like to be able to set the time out ourselves. Ideally this becomes a setting within the harvester job dialogue.

    3 votes
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  10. IIIF Universal Viewer - xywh parameters

    ewould like the ability to add xywh parameters to teh IIIF Universal viewer URL -- this will allow us to highlight a specific part of a image -- would be useful for newspapers, etc

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  11. Rosetta SIP Producer ID

    Carried out a search for SIP ID in the 'Rosetta Management | Submissions:Search for SIPs' -- the results returned provides the 'Producer Id' -- you can grab the ID and use it to find the producer name -- it may be useful to not only include the producer ID but to also include the producer name - this may save that additional step of checking producer ID t get the producer's name

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  12. Rosetta UX - scheduled Jobs management

    I am not sure what the default sort sequence is for the 'Scheduled Jobs Management' but it would be good if the default sort sequence is by 'Name'

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  13. Default IE Export Location

    Would it be possible to change the default export path for DRPS Prod to ...
    instead of ...
    or perhaps just /opt/drps/export/dept/CHD/WIP/Exports if including the [USER] is too much trouble
    It would also be nice if the default path in DCMS Prod could be ...

    We are aware of the IE export web service. We want to be able to click on the export IE link in advanced search and have it immediately start exporting to a specific path

    See case: 00474798

    2 votes
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  14. Size stats about IE/REP in results view

    I would like an easier was to see the size of an IE/REP both in number of files and storage size. Right now, the only way I can see to get the size of the IE in terms of storage is to search at the file level for all files in that IE and then export the results to CSV and add up the size column (in bytes). Same goes for number of files except you can also see them when you’re in the Meditor in the metadata for the Rep. It doesn't seem like adding at least the number…

    15 votes
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  15. Publishing Sync Job - View Log

    hen running a Publishing Sync Job and looking at the assciated 'View' we get the following information

    Mon Jan 07 09:06:40 AEST 2019 INFO sync all configurations for IE publishing
    Mon Jan 07 09:06:40 AEST 2019 INFO sync the configurationId: 18981614
    Mon Jan 07 09:06:41 AEST 2019 INFO sync the profileId: 18981613
    Mon Jan 07 09:06:41 AEST 2019 INFO Handling new IEs
    Mon Jan 07 09:06:41 AEST 2019 INFO Handling Removed IEs
    Mon Jan 07 09:06:41 AEST 2019 INFO Handling updated IEs
    Mon Jan 07 09:06:41 AEST 2019 INFO Finished sync for the profileId: 18981613
    Mon Jan 07 09:06:41 AEST…

    4 votes
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  16. IIIF Universal Viewer - Searchable PDF

    For searchable PDFs would like the viewer to have similar features as the viewer deployed by the British Library-

    Would like the search bar for be available and indication where the search word if located in the PDF

    Download options would be driven by Entity Type

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  17. IIIF Universal Viewer - download options - mixed content

    Looking at using the IIIF viewer for digitised manuscripts. Diaries and letters.
    For this type of material we would like to create
    1. multi-page tif (master)
    2. multipage pdf (delivery)
    3. thumbnail
    4. transcript
    When this material is displayed in the viewer we will by default like to display the multipage pdf.
    For the download options we would like the ability for customers to
    1. download the multipage pdf
    2. download the current page(s) being displayed (PDF or TIF options)
    3. full transcript

    7 votes
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  18. IIIF Universal Viewer - email Options

    Require the option to allow ‘email’ from the viewer.

    Would like to configure the at least following information as part of the ‘email’ option

    1. Descriptive metadata
    2. Handle / PI identifier
    3. URL to image

    Allow the customer to enter
    1. Subject
    2. To email address
    3. Their own email address
    It may be useful to include a ‘captcha’ block to prevent misuse of this function.

    1 vote
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  19. IIIF Universal Viewer - Print

    Require the option to allow ‘Print’ from the viewer.

    Would like to configure the at least the following information as part of the ‘Print’ option

    1. Descriptive metadata
    2. Handle / PI identifier

    For images would like to print the single image to fit across the page – this is relevant if printing in portrait or landscape mode
    Allow image to scale according to paper size selected

    4 votes
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  20. IIIF Universal Viewer - Share Options

    Would like to configure the ‘Share’ option.
    At this stage the only share options are
    1. Embed
    2. URL link
    Would like to configure the ‘Share’ option to allow adding the following additional social media options
    1. Facebook
    2. Twitter
    3. LinkedIn
    4. Various citation options such as RefWorks

    As part of the share option we would like to configure what information is passed across. For example, for Twitter, SLQ would like to pass
    1. Handle/PI information
    2. Title
    3. Image
    4. Any appropriate hashtags

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