Privacy in patron letters
Currently, patrons receive detailed item information in patron letters. We would like to make it possible for patrons to turn off letters (such as when they do not want this detailed information living in their email accounts).
In testing, we found that the current 'Personal Details' configuration in Alma ( does not allow us to limit patron changes to ONLY the notification preferences.

Cindy Bowen commented
For what it's worth, it's feasible to use CSS to hide all the elements that you don't want patrons to modify. I asked Ex Libris for the coding to suppress the email and phone number portions (below), so I'm sure it's possible to do the same for the physical address...
#prm_mypref\.label\.my_email {
}label[translate="mypref.label.my_email"] {
display: none;
}input#prm_contact\.telephone_1 {
}label[translate="contact.telephone_1"] {
display: none;
} -
Megan K @ CCSF commented
Hi Moshe - "Configuring Library Notices Opt-In" allows us to pick which ones the patrons can opt in/out of in Primo. The issue is that all the personal details are editable, not just for letters.
Is "Configuring Library Notices Opt-In" ( relevant ?
Megan K @ CCSF commented
The settings looked like we could limit patrons to changing only the notification preference, but when we tested, it opened all the fields. This behavior was confirmed by Ex Libris.