Sort Book Chapters in correct order when using PrimoVE in 'Everything' search
When using the ‘Everything’ search in PrimoVE you can't consistently sort book chapters into the correct order. Even when using the facets to filter and sort results, it still returns chapters in a variety of orders.
For example, searching for the following book and filtering by ‘Book Chapters’, refining the year to ‘2015’ and sorting by ‘Title’ still returned the chapters in the wrong order (see attached screenshot).
“Meeting Health Information Needs Outside of Healthcare” Kreps, Gary L.; Neuhauser, Linda (2015)
It may not be possible, due to the variety of way book chapters can be structured. However, if it is, we would like PrimoVE to be able to sort book chapters into the correct order (e.g. as it's published in the book) more consistently when using the ‘Everything’ search. This would greatly enhance the user experience.

Lesli M Moore commented
I think it's disingenuous of ExL to say "we don't have the necessary data" when, there is page data in the CTO
<u:key id="rft.pages">77-95</u:key>
<u:key id="rft.spage">77</u:key>It may not be an easy fix or always consistent; but there is data to sort chapters in the correct order.
Stacey van Groll commented
I reported this factor for Contextual Relationships in June 2019.
It was advised: "the book chapters are not displayed in a specific order, because we don't have the necessary data for that, when the chapters are found in the related item call." -
Manu Schwendener commented
Same applies when you click on 'Chapters of this book' from the book title: