Give more weight to PMID in one-word PMID searches [Primo VE]
In Primo VE, if a user wants to search for an article with a one-word PMID search (such as 22878467), the search will also match to articles in a journal with the ISSN 2287-8467, due to ISSN fuzzy matching. The issue arises in the brief result listing: currently the ISSN is given more weight than the PMID, pushing the relevant result to the very end of the list.
In the above mentioned case, the user gets 18 results in total where the 18th is the one the user is interested in. Everything before it are articles from the journal with the ISSN 2287-8467:,contains,22878467&tab=DefaultSlotOrder&search_scope=CentralIndex&vid=358UOH_INST:VU1&lang=en&offset=10
Another wilder example, where the PMID result is the 228th out of 229 results:,contains,22879099&tab=DefaultSlotOrder&search_scope=CentralIndex&vid=358UOH_INST:VU1&lang=en&offset=220
If PMID could be given more weight when the ISSN is fuzzily matched, I reckon the relevant result would be the first one, thus making the process better for the user.
Alternatively, allow us to opt out from fuzzy matching for ISSN.

Stacey van Groll commented
This is of course relevant for Primo customers as well, for returning results from CDI.