Sorting of multiple copies according to item policy "available for loan"
Our library for medicine offers a large number of copies of some standard works. Some of them are not borrowable because they belong to the reference collection (item policy 63). Other copies have the item policy "available for loan, 1 day" (item policy 59) or "available for loan, 28 days" (item policy 01).
In the details display (get it), the items that can be borrowed for 28 days are displayed last and are very difficult for users to find.
Ideally, the filter function should be adapted to contain the option "available for loan", so that patrons can choose the loan status themselves. If this ist not possilble, borrowable copies should be displayed first by default. This will enhance visibility and make it easier for patrons to find the items they want.
Manu Schwendener commented
Manu Schwendener commented
I agree that this should be done via the filter function, rather than by influencing the sorting.