In Primo VE and in consortial Alma setup, display print and electronic inventory even if dedupe/frbr is enabled
In a consortial Alma setup with a Network Zone and with Primo VE, our consortia has noticed that if an Institution Zone (IZ) has enabled dedupe/frbr in a Primo View and there is print and electronic inventory for a title, the print inventory of other IZ’s is completely hidden and only the electronic displays.
See “enabled dedupe frbr1.png”,contains,doing%20bayesian%20data%20analysis%20a%20tutorial%20with%20r%20jags%20and%20stan&tab=WRLC_P_MyInst_All&search_scope=WRLC_P_MyInst_All&vid=01WRLC_GWA:test&offset=0
As you can see in “enabled dedupe frbr2.png” only the electronic inventory displays.
Compare with an IZ in the same consortia which has disabled dedupe/frbr to prove that physical inventory exists.
See “disabled dedupe frbr1.png”,contains,doing%20bayesian%20data%20analysis:%20a%20tutorial%20with%20R,%20JAGS,%20and%20STAN&tab=WRLC_P_AU&search_scope=WRLC_P_AU&vid=01WRLC_AMU:prod&facet=rtype,include,books&lang=en&offset=0
See “disabled dedupe frbr2a.png” and “disabled dedupe frbr2b.png”
Desired behavior: When dedupe/frbr is enabled, display both physical and electronic inventory. Do not hide the print inventory of other IZ’s in favor of electronic inventory.
See “desired behavior.png”
In the above example, both physical and electronic inventory display. George Washington University has physical inventory in its IZ which displays with physical inventory of another IZ, George Mason University alongside electronic inventory.
Salesforce cases (may be unpublished) to reference: 00795991, 00820965, 00807971

Jahn Sievers commented
We are faced with the opposite issue, dedup hiding electronic inventory from other IZ (especially annoying if it is OA) and would be very interested in this developement as well, as we think it should be possible to implement it so that the issue is fixed in both directions.
Jesse Kruppa (UCR) commented
+1 and this does seem like a bug fix.
Manu Schwendener commented
> See case #00812476
I'd like to, but it's not publised.
Manu Schwendener commented
This feels more like a bug fix to me.
Swati Wagh commented
I agree. All forms of materials should be displayed
Jessica G commented
CARLI also supports a change to this behavior, and/or more flexibility to decide how it works. We would like physical inventory at other Institutions to appear in a Network search even when the institution has electronic inventory (without having to turn off Dedup), just as they do for any other physical titles the local institution does not own but that are owned by others in the Network. In our experience, just because an institution has electronic access does not mean that a user will not want a print version of that resource. By not displaying other consortial partners' physical inventory just because the local IZ has it electronically, the search results are providing an incomplete picture of all physical resources owned by the Network which may be requestable by users. Case #00880893.
Jennifer Fritz commented
This is desired behavior for non-FRBRized sites as well. See case #00812476.