Changing the language in Primo should also update the preferred language in Alma
We have a mix of users with different languages at our university, but we cannot get a reliable language setting from the SIS feed. Therefore it is important that the users can edit the language preference themself to get letters from the library in the correct language.
Today, changing the language in Primo only changes the interface language in Primo, but we would like it to also update the preferred language in Alma.

Manu Schwendener commented
I understand this wish, but I would rather say:
In addition to the interface language of Primo, also let the patrons choose the language they want to be contacted in.
Reason: just because your interface has several languages doesn't mean that all the texts of your letters/emails have been translated to the same languages.
For example:
Our interface could be in German Italian French and English,
but maybe our letters only have German and English texts.---
The feature also needs to take in account patrons that are managed externally.