Display Primo Viewit links for Alma-D resources above the general electronic services menu
In the viewit segment of the full record display in Primo, links to electronic resources (Alma-E or online resources) display above links to general electronic services. Links to digital resources from Alma-D display below any general electronic service options. Since accessing the resource (either digital or electronic) will generally be the higher priority for users, we would like links to digital resources to always display above any general electronic services.

Hello All,
This idea has been closed as part of a cleanup process for ideas older than two years with fewer than 30 votes.
This cleanup process is necessary to streamline our idea management process and ensure that the most relevant and impactful ideas receive the attention they deserve. If you still feel strongly about this idea, you may submit it via the NERS process.
We value your feedback and encourage you to continue submitting and voting for ideas that you believe will enhance Primo.
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Primo Product Team
Chris Parker commented
If you want Digital Services being displayed before (General) Electronic Services in the Primo ViewIt tab, you can go in Alma under Fulfillment Configuration > Discovery Interface Display Logic > Other Settings > Order of ViewIt services and select 'Digital, Electronic' instead of 'Electronic, Digital'. Links to digital resources from Alma-D will then display above any general electronic service options.
Anonymous commented
More capability to adjust and customise Primo functionality would be welcome.