My Library Account: add Recalled Loans Tab
It would be very beneficial for library patrons to be able to view their recalled loans, at a glance, when checking their library account in Primo; please could you add a Recalled Loans tab to the Overview section of My Library Account

olga gilshtein commented
its 2022, 4 years latter, 162 votes and nothing gets done about such an important issue?
we only charge for recalled items which are returned late - and there is no special indication for such items in the library card? not even an alert, like it exists for Loan due or overdue, Hold ready, Blocks or messages and Fines and fees???
please try to do something about it -
Manu Schwendener commented
Vicky Stallard commented
I agree, to have this information at a glance would be so much more helpful for our users!
Bronwen Blatchford commented
Agree wholeheartedly with this suggestion; we have been getting complaints from users that they didn't know an item was recalled. Emails get buried/treated as spam/hived off into 'other' rather than focused in Outlook web. We also have the problem that, if a user picks an item up from the hold shelf and there are other requests on it, they don't get the recall email at all (as we don't shorten due dates).
With auto-renewals in place, anything that can be done to highlight recalled items is welcomed. We are looking at re-purposing the loans.brief.2 field as per Toby's excellent suggestion.
Help from Ex Libris here would also be very warmly welcomed!
Toby Hopper commented
I've supported this idea as someway of highlighting these items in the account area would be ideal, I also think an alert at login would be great.
I looked for a solution myself, in the OvP Mapping Tables you can change what's in loans.brief.2 to display the loan status (is return location any use anyway?)
I changed the text to "Loan Status" and you could do some CSS styling to highlight these details.
Loans are displayed descending by default so changing this to ascending (using primo_loan_list_sorting in Alma Configuration Menu > Fulfillment > General > Other Settings ) recalled items should bubble to the top.
It's a nearly but not quite solution.
Eri commented
Currently, it's not easy to see that an item has been recalled, the user has to go to the loans tab, and click on the individual item. Some way of highlighting recalled items in the Library Account and making sure that the user knows they have to return the book sooner than they expected would be very useful.