Index Ebsco API "abstract" Results so they don't appear in Primo "Full-Text" Results
All Primo results from the EBSCO API are searched and displayed "on the fly," and there's no option to sort the abstract-only content from full-text in Primo results.
So even though our default in Primo is to display ONLY "full text" results -- Primo is returning EBSCO "abstract only" or "may be full text" links in our Full-Text searches. Our users are confused, and call us wondering why they don't have full-text access in our Primo full-text search results.
Finding a way to sort the Ebsco abstract-only content from the full-text content, so it's working correctly within the Primo search results would eliminate this confusion.
Hello All,
This idea has been closed as part of a cleanup process for ideas older than two years with fewer than 30 votes.
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Breanna Webb commented
This would also be beneficial for other providers who have aggregator databases with some full-text and some abstract only (including ProQuest). It's also worth noting these other two ideas in the Idea Exchange:
This Summon idea sums it up perfectly (
"As an electronic resources librarian, I often get patron-confusion reports when they believe they cannot access a full-text article; often enough the full-text of the article is not available online, but the article's abstract is. Icons in Summon often represent these abstracts as full-text articles."This is what we are wanting in Primo too!
Anonymous commented
Yes. We have the same problem. Hoping the problem would be fixed soon.