Primo - My Account : Differentiate normal loans & reading room loans
We would like it to be clear for a patron which loans he has at home and which loans are in the reading room. Currently in Primo, there is no differentiation between the two. Is there some way to do this in Alma and or Primo? Thanks

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Richaela Staley commented
I would like to see this as well, although for different reasons. Most of our materials are in closed stacks and not available for check out to the public, only to staff members, so we decided to utilize the reading room function with it's own circulation desk. It would be nice if, based on which desk something was checked out from, Primo could display something to differentiate reading room only loans from other kinds of loans. While temporarily changing the location works, I wish it were simpler and/or based on the desk configurations. Thanks
Are you familiar with the option to temporarily move an item to a distinct location for the duration of the reading room loan ? This is the 'Location to move items to' parameter described in
With this, you can move the item to a location that will show in the Primo loans list.