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35 results found
Related holdings displayed only after "direct" holdings in the brief results
Currently, only 5 holdings are displayed in the "Physical" tab in the brief results list in Alma. In many cases holdings and "related" holdings are mixed and displayed without any particular ranking. Especially when many of them are present, it takes many clicks before one can exclude the related holdings and obtain a list of all holdings linked directly to a record.
The "Physical" tab in Alma could be changed like this: all holdings linked directly to the record are displayed first (regardless of the library), and only then come the holdings of related records.137 votesAlma's repository search is being upgraded with new UI concepts, resulting in faster, simpler searches and streamlined workflows, saving time and boosting productivity. For information on the coming search experience, see:
Physical Item Editor Templates
It would be great if we could use templates for adding new items.
At the moment, whenever we add an item, for each single one of them we have to manually fill in the same values in "Material type" and "Item call number type". The "inventory date" has to be chosen manually as well.
It would be extremely useful if we could load the physical item editor form with some values already filled in, and with the date fields automatically filled with the current day's date.If this idea has already been posted or it the option already exists, please…
962 votesThe physical item editor now allows saving an item as a template.
For more information, please refer to the Alma May release notes and online help.
Change physical items - New holding will keep call number type configured in the physical location
On behalf of the Product management team we would like to understand the need and use cases of the following feature (which it's needed was raised by several customers) your feedback is most welcome.
Conceptual solution:
The field 852 indicators 1 will be taken from the physical location configuration when
moving items.0 votesA new configuration option was added in Alma. When holdings records are created by changing an item's location, if the location has a call number type configured, the call number type of the new holdings is updated to match that configured for the new location
For more information see August Release Notes
New Metadata editor- add holding from the Add inventory menu
Hello to eveybody,
yesterday watching the webinar "The Alma New Metadata Editor - Webinar Sept. 08, 2020" we found out the in the add inventory there isn't the possibility to add an holding.
This is not useful for libraries that don't do the order in Alma, but simply add an holding after cataloguing a book.
The possibility of adding an holding from the menu View inventory should be present.
The Add inventory should have the default holding template included in the menu.
If the operator wants a specific template it is clear that the operator must choose the right holding…255 votesAs part of Alma March Release
The ability to add new holdings was added under the Add Inventory menu (in addition to the existing ability to add them under the New menu
For more information please see: -
Add option to configure Process Types for Physical Items
Alma Process Types and the associated Base status of 'Item not in place' are hardcoded, as are the automated workflows within Alma and the flow-through to Primo for the availability to be set to 'Not Available'.
This is extremely limiting and there are scenarios when a Library might want their physical resources to still be discoverable in Primo ie not suppressed, but also be marked as Unavailable, such as if there were a temporary mould outbreak. This ensures that users are aware that we hold resources already, so they don't waste time submitting purchase requests or thinking that we have…100 votesLibrary staff now have better control over process types: placing and removing institution-level work order types using the Change Physical items information job, searching by work order type and excluding a specific work order type from discovery. The work order types were enhanced to streamline workflows, allowing handling in bulk and without scanning items in.
his is especially useful when the library needs to mark a large set of items as unavailable in a way that's reflected in discovery
For more information please see Alma May Release Notes
Add replacement cost to physical inventory in repository import profiles
Currently the repository import profile capabilities for adding physical inventory does not include replacement cost as an option. We are cataloging a large number of expensive equipment using an import profile. The change physical items job only works so long as the cost is the same. Cost varies across these items, meaning multiple sets of items would need to be created for the change physical items job or items would need to be updated individually. The ability to include replacement cost in the import profile would be hugely helpful and simplify this process.
48 votesAdditional fields were added to the Import Profile page > Inventory Operations tab for physical inventory. You can map item-level information from these fields in the input file, or indicate a value to be placed in the imported records.
For more information please see
Enable the ability to make an item missing that has a process type
In order to mark an item 'missing' it currently has to have a status of 'item in place'. However, many items that have a status of 'item not in place' need to be marked as missing. If an item gets lost in transit from one library to another or has a process type of technical migration and cannot be found, those items need to be marked as missing.
The current process requires that these items be checked in so they do not have a process type before they can be made missing. This seems counter intuitive to check in an…
88 votesHi all, as of February 2025, Changing the status of items not in place to 'missing' can be done directly from the items list.
read more in the Alma release notes:,Marking%20In%2Dprocess%20Items%20as%20Missing,-February%202025%20Fulfillment
List of items- add column for item policy
This idea has already been submitted. It received 201 votes and is listed as completed back in Feb 2019. However, the item policy column still doesn't seem to be visible in the 'List of items'.
It would save a lot of time to have an instant overview of the ratio of item policies for a title, without having to go into every record individually and write them down.1 vote -
In Process Items_Move items in batches to the next work order
In the page of “Manage In Process Items”, we would propose
1) Adjust the number of each page so that more items can display on the page. That would be the maximum the staff can tick “Done” at one time.2) Given above, ideally we'd want to move a pack of items by jobs to the next work order.
3) Sort out “Barcode”
245 votesAs of the May 2022 release, library staff have better control over work orders including:
* Searching by work order type
* Placing and removing institution-level work order types using the Change Physical items information job
This enables easy bulk processing of work orders.
See demo here.
More information in the release notes
MDE : holding field 852 - display only the libraries in the scope of physical inventory operator
When creating a holding in MDE, the cataloger has to choose a library in the list of libraries of the institution for completing field 852 $$b.
The full list of all libraries of the institution in displayed for the user, even if the user has a physical inventory operator role with a scope on only one library.
As a result he has to scroll down the list of libraries to find his own library.
It would be much quicker if only the libraries in his scope were displayed.93 votesThe list of libraries available in the drop-down menu when populating field 852 is now filtered according to the scope of the operator's role.
Collaborative Collections Retention Item Designators
Collaborative collecting agreements are becoming increasingly critical for libraries in managing collections and access across institutions. Formal agreements require libraries to commit to hold specific items. Currently, there is no way to mark this in records unless in free text notes, and no system checks in place for items to prevent accidental weeding of items that libraries have committed to retain. This idea outlines system functionality to ensure that libraries can safely manage committed collections.
• Two new fields in Alma Items: a Committed to Retain check box and a Retention note free text field (minimum of 200 characters)
141 votesThe ability to mark items as Committed to Retain was developed as part of the August 2022 release.
Add Statistics Notes to Search Indexes
Currently Statistics Notes in item records are not among the options of search indexes in Alma. Recommend adding them. Evidently they can only be searched in Analytics now.
327 votesIn advanced search for Physical titles and Physical items, you can now search for statistical notes.
For more information see Alma May Release Note at: -
Add generic physical material types to the current table
My libraries circulate various pieces of equipment from microphones, to musical instruments, to 3D printers, to lockers, and the current physical material type table does not suffice without adding a slew of item policies or location codes, which is messy and makes the resulting analytics more painful than it should be.
Ex Libris support states that "The [physical material type] codes cannot be changed, because Development needs them for statistics across libraries." However individual libraries will have items that they need to distinguish between either for fulfillment rule purposes or our own statistics.
I would like there to be about…
355 votes -
Removal of item from itemized set freezes the set
When an item is removed from an itemized set, the remaining items no longer have the "remove" button as being clickable, and the titles also become grayed out. So if you want to continue editing/removing individual items from a set as you work on the set, you have to back out of the set, select the set again, and then go to the next record you want to remove. What should happen is that when you click "remove", it should remove the item from the list, and then allow you to continue removing items, right on down the list.
1 voteIssue described was resolved as part of the November release
Make "Physical Item Condition Field" options configurable
The new feature "Physical Item Condition Field" was a good idea.
However, the condition options should be completely configurable. Currently the only options are:
FragileThe current condition options seem extremely similar to each other.
Each institution should be able to completely configure this field, including hiding the field entirely, adding/removing options, hiding/displaying options, renaming/relabelling, reordering the options.
240 votesAs of February 2024, libraries can now configure the list of physical conditions that can be selected to describe the item in the physical item condition field.
Allow suppression of items from Discovery in Primo
I would like a check-box in the item record that would allow staff to suppress individual items from discovery in Primo. This could be used for libraries that want to use only a single discoverable "dummy" item for placing requests on physical journals in Primo as well as libraries that prefer not to have items discoverable by patrons until they are done with processing and are available on the shelves. In an ideal world, if a holdings record only had suppressed items, the holding record would also not display. Moreover, if all items on all holdings attached to a bibliographic…
390 votesLibrary staff now have better control over process types: placing and removing institution-level work order types using the Change Physical items information job, searching by work order type and excluding a specific work order type from discovery. The work order types were enhanced to streamline workflows, allowing handling in bulk and without scanning items in.
his is especially useful when the library needs to mark a large set of items as unavailable in a way that's reflected in discovery
For more information please see Alma May Release Notes
Add "Alternative Call Number" to the "Change Physical Items" job so that this field can be edited in batch across sets of item records.
Many fields in the Physical Item record can be edited in bulk using the Change Physical Items job, but "Alternative call number" isn't included in the options for this job. We would like to be able to edit (and delete) these fields across large numbers of records without having to do it manually for each one. Please give consideration to including this field in the Change Physical Items job.
199 votes -
Retain the List Of Items filters after an item edit
We would like the filter settings (for Status, Location or Library) to be maintained when an Alma user edits an item from the List Of Items and then saves that change.
This is because many of the titles our staff members tend to work with in List Of Items frequently comprise core texts, of which we may have several dozen copies in various places and at a number of different statuses. It is therefore very time-consuming for staff to have to re-apply their settings for every transaction.
The following is typical of the workflow during which our staff encounter the…
6 votes -
Ability to create a set of holdings records in Alma
Currently in Alma you can conduct a repository search to create a set of physical titles (bibliographic records) or physical items (item records). Although you can do an Advanced Search of certain data fields in holdings records, there is no functionality to create a set of holdings records.
(You can create a set of titles or items and run the manual jobs: change physical items or change holdings information. Unfortunately, the set of physical titles include all holdings records linked to the bibliographic records (including holdings records you may not want to change). And you don't always have search criteria…
151 votes -
Adjust awkward grammar on "Withdraw Items" pop-up menu
Referring specifically to the attached pop-up menu screen-cap (taken on July 24, 2017):
At the top of the image: "Last items of this holdings were deleted or moved" (plural)
Further down: "Last item of this holdings record was deleted or moved" (singular)
This is very confusing -- did the user delete a single item, or several items? Also, the grammar is awkward ("this holdings were").
Please either make one pop-up menu for a single item deletion and another pop-up menu for a multiple item deletion -- or else adjust the grammar of the existing pop-up menu to say something like:
5 votesGrammar on the Withdraw Items pop-up was corrected in the November 2017 release.
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