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73 results found

  1. Add Bibliographic Rank to Alma analytics

    We're finding the new Bibliographic Rank very useful and can find record with particular rankings via Alma advanced search but it would be better if we could query this score using Alma analytics.

    Are there any plans to add this area to analytics?

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  2. Create 'View Analytics' role

    Some of our library staff need to be able to view Analytics dashboards that we have set up for them in Alma but don't need to be able to do anything else in the system, so even a role such as 'Circulated Desk Operator - Limited' gives them options that they don't require. It would be useful to have a role available that allows staff to see the Analytics menu and the Reports section of that menu, but nothing or little else. That role could then be used as the basic role for making Analytics dashboards visible to staff, with…

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  3. Add ability to map more bibliographic fields to Analytics

    There is currently the option to map 10 fields as Local Param 1-10. This was raised from 5-10 more than two years ago in January 2019. We used the last of these for required data at the start of 2021, but still did so reluctantly as there's been no sign of coming development to expand the number again. More fields are needed, so we'd appreciate this being considered.

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    5 comments  ·  Analytics  ·  Admin →

    An additional 20 local parameter fields were added to the Bibliographic Details dimension in all subject areas in which it appears (for a total of 30 local parameter fields). These fields allow you to use customizable fields in your reports. 

    Note that you must contact Ex Libris Support to add these fields.

    For more information, see Local Param 1-30.

  4. Restrict access to analytics objects via role AND scope

    When a staff member provides access to an analytics object and adds a role via "add role" there is no option to add a scope to a role. For example when editing an analytics object such as a report and the staff member adds role "physical inventory operator extended" there is no way to see "only if physical inventory operator extended has scope law library". When a staff member is editing an analytics object such as a report and adds a role via "add from profile" Alma will look only at the roles in the profile and not the scope.…

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  5. Add "Can't edit restricted users" and "Disable all login restrictions" field options to user analytics or staff login report

    In order to improve security of our Alma institutions, and better manage named users or staff users, we need to be able to generate a user report that displays permissions related to security such as "Can't edit restricted users" on relevant roles, and "Disable all login restrictions."

    Being able to identify which named users have IP restricted login disabled, and which named users have access to editing restricted user groups helps us to be sure that only designated named users have broad access to Alma--we shouldn't have to check this manually, user by user. We should be able to run…

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    Completed  ·  Dana Moshkovits responded

    The following fields were added to Users > User Details:
    Can’t edit restricted users – indicates if the user can edit restricted user groups
    Disable All Login Restrictions – indicates if the user has IP login restrictions disabled

  6. Add Patron Proxy data to Analytics

    It is seemingly impossible to query a list of current patron proxy relationships that have been established in Alma. This is a basic piece of reporting data that needs to be added to Analytics to help libraries keep their patron records up to date.

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  7. Add Counter5 - IR_A1 - Journal Article Requests to Alma/Analytics

    We suggest to add a support to the report Counter5 - IR_A1 - Journal Article Requests.
    We want to be able to harvest it via Sushi and also to be able to build reports in Analytics based on it.

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  8. Please add to the Vendors folder in Analytics for reporting.

    Vendor Details
    Need the ability to export full Vendor details, either by exporting from Alma directly or through Analytics reports "Vendors">>"Funds Expenditures".

    Critical information to include:
    Vendor Name (already included)
    Vendor Code (already included)
    Vendor Contact information:
    - Address
    - Phone Numbers
    - Email Addresses
    - Web Addresses

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    The following preferred contact information fields were added to the Vendor dimension in the Funds Expenditure, Licenses, Purchase Requests, and Usage Data (Counter) subject areas. They display the default contact information used for the account.

    • Preferred Address
    • Preferred Address Note
    • Preferred Email
    • Preferred Phone Number

    In addition, the Primary Product URL field was added to these locations. It displays the URL with URL type Primary Product. If there is more than one primary product URL, only one is displayed.

    For more information, see Vendor.

  9. Add all CDI-related fields to Analytics

    We would like all CDI-related fields (this would include most fields found on the CDI tab of the electronic collection) to be available to the E-Inventory subject in Analytics.

    Because many of these fields are only available to the Alma repository search at the collection level, it is impossible to create sets of portfolios that meet certain CDI criteria (e.g., all portfolios whose electronic collection CDI FullText Rights = OpenAccess). Analytics becomes the only option, but none of the CDI fields are available there, either.

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    the following 16 fields have been added to the E-Inventory subject area

    “Electronic Collection”.“Active for Fulltext In CDI
    “Electronic Collection”.“Active for Search In CDI
    “Electronic Collection”.“CDI – Do not show as full text available even if active in Alma”
    “Electronic Collection”.“CDI – Subscribe to only some titles in this collection”
    “Electronic Collection”.“CDI Full Text Linking”
    “Electronic Collection”.“CDI Full Text Rights”
    “Electronic Collection”.“CDI Local Note”
    “Electronic Collection”.“CDI Newspapaers”
    “Electronic Collection”.“CDI Number of Records”
    “Electronic Collection”.“CDI Provider Package Code”
    “Electronic Collection”.“CDI Resource Types”
    “Electronic Collection”.“CDI Search Rights”
    “Electronic Collection”.“CDI Update Frequency”
    “Electronic Collection”.“In CDI
    “Electronic Collection”.“No. of Electronic Collections (In Repository + In CDI)”
    “Electronic Collection”.“No. of Electronic Collections (In Repository + Not In CDI)”

  10. Add Access Model to PO Line reporting

    PO Lines for Electronic Books contain a field, Access Model, which allows libraries to register the access arrangements we have, e.g. 1-users, 3-users, unlimited, etc.

    This has the potential to be a very useful field, but it is not currently available when running reports for PO Line information in Alma Analytics.

    Can it be added please?



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    Completed  ·  Dana Moshkovits responded

    The Access Model field was added to the PO Line dimension in the Funds Expenditure, Physical Items, and Purchase Requests subject areas. It displays the public access model for the electronic resource.

  11. Analytics Local Parameter mapping to Dublin Core fields

    We can map MARC tags to Analytics Local Parameters up to 10 but not to Dublin Core fields. Please allow Local Parameter mapping to DC fields too.

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  12. Ability to run Analytics reports on Alma Configuration settings

    It would be exceptionally helpful to be able to run Analytics reports on all areas of Alma Configuration.

    It should be possible both for each individual library to run the reports on their own behalf, AND for libraries belong to a consortium, possible for consortial staff to run the reports across all institution zones simultaneously for comparison between member IZs.

    Use cases:
    1) Reviewing a spreadsheet containing all of the settings in a configuration area makes settings review easier, and reduces errors. Needing to click between screens and take screenshot to compare settings is cumbersome, and leads to mistakes or…

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    15 comments  ·  Analytics  ·  Admin →
  13. Make Proxy For Tab Information Available in Analytics to Search For

    Please make the information from the "Proxy For" tab in Alma a searchable field in the Alma Analytics. We have had to come up with alternative ways to track the information, which is time consuming and not always reliable as some staff may not be reporting that they are creating a proxy user link.

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  14. Add Data Type category for the Title Report in COUNTER 5 section of analytics

    The Master Title Report of COUNTER 5 includes ebook and journal titles. It is difficult to use this master report in analytics without having a data type or section type option to differentiate between which titles are journals and which are ebooks. The master title report is useless in analytics without this option. Please add the data type or section type category from the COUNTER 5 Master Title Report into the Analytics Usage Report.

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  15. Allow labeling of parameters like local param 01, 02 for bib and holdings

    Alma allows adding bib or holding field additions into Alma Analytics

    For instance you can request that "local param field 01" pulls the 690 field. However, you cannot change the "local param field 01" label in analytics from "local param 01" to 690. This is not user friendly because the availability of the 690 field in your analytics report isn't apparent to users.

    I'd like to request the ability to locally label these local param fields so they match up with what the fields actually do in an analytics report.

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  16. Add Authority records data to Analytics

    It is very necessary to obtain productivity reports about the amount of authority record created in a period and the user who created that record. Also, to know how many LOCAL authority records exist by type (names, subjects, subdivisions, etc.)

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  17. The LDR of the bib and holdings record needs to be indexed for reporting in Analytics at the very least as a Local Param.

    We have a large withdrawal project involving thousands of books. We do not want to delete them in Alma. We want to change the location in the holdings record to Withdrawn, suppress the bib and holdings record, and change the LDR Record Status (5th position) to "d." This is a MARC standard and must be done in order to export these records later to various entities (such as the statewide library database used for ILL) so they can delete them from their copy of our database. The LDR value is what they use to indicate a bib or holding record…

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    Completed  ·  Dana Moshkovits responded

    The following fields were added to Holding Details > Physical Items and the Bibliographic Details dimension:
    Holding Details:
    BIB 008 MARC – the contents of the 008 field of the MARC holdings record
    BIB LDR MARC – the contents of the LDR field of the MARC holdings record
    Bibliographic Details:
    BIB 008 MARC – the contents of the 008 field of the MARC bibliographic record
    BIB LDR MARC – the contents of the LDR field of the MARC bibliographic record
    Government Publication – the government publication type
    Form of Item – the form of the item

    For more information please see August Release Notes:

  18. Please add Licensor Name to the PO Line Licens in the Funds Expenditure area in Alma Analyticse section anf Licensing Agent

    Please add Licensor Name to the PO Line License in the Funds Expenditure area in Alma Analytics
    This would help us report to our Finance Dept on all licensing parties associated with an order

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    Completed  ·  Dana Moshkovits responded

    The following fields were added to Funds Expenditure > PO License:
    Licensor Name
    Licensing Agent Name

    For more information please see the Alma December Release notes

  19. Add Preferred Names fields to the Users subject area in Analytics

    Add Preferred Names fields to the USERS subject areas section - Preferred Contact Information or Users Details in Analytics.

    We need to be able to troubleshoot problems with data entry.

    Students have entered stray characters while typing and filed the records not noticing. When the record is searched, the stray characters or incorrect information shows up in the search results, confusing circ desk user.

    We've had cases of the preferred names fields populating with staff user names when they weren't typed in, causing staff person to get notices meant for the person on the record.

    We need to be able…

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  20. Correcting Alma Analytics

    In Alma Analytics, if you want to get a report of items that their replacement cost is under $50 for example, the program is written in such a way that looks at the costs in decimal order. So your report will include all items that cost $100, $200, $300, $400, etc. as long as the first digit is under 5. So you will end up with wrong results. Please correct this so the program looks at numbers as whole numbers not by decimal order. Thank you.

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