Oki U.

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  1. 2 votes
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  2. 8 votes
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    Oki U. commented  · 

    In the meanwhile, we have found a workaround.

    1. Publish the LHR file from Alma to an FTP-server so you can access it.
    2. Use MARCedit to create a tab delimited file that contains 004 fields of the LHR file (= OCN)
    3. Rename the first row in the output file with 004 to "OCLC number" so you can use it to create an itemized set from file. Remove all quotations marks (used by MARCedit to indicate a column). See for the column name: https://web.archive.org/web/20240719070839/https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Alma/Product_Documentation/010Alma_Online_Help_(English)/050Administration/080Managing_Search_Queries_and_Sets#:~:text=fields%20(020%C2%A0%24a)%20)-,OCLC%20number,-035%20field
    4. Create an itemized set based on the file just generated. This itemized set will contain all bib records with the initially published OCNs.
    5. Run the republish LHRs job to publish the set from step 4 (Alma menu > Admin > Manage Jobs and Sets > Manage Sets > Run a Job > "Republish Holdings records to OCLC (LHRs)")
    6. Upload the republished set to OCLC

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  3. 11 votes
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  4. 25 votes
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  5. 1 vote
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    Oki U. shared this idea  · 
  6. 3 votes
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  7. 46 votes
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  8. 14 votes
    0 comments  ·  Alma » Webhooks  ·  Admin →
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  9. 17 votes
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  10. 1 vote
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  11. 20 votes
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  12. 3 votes
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    An error occurred while saving the comment
    Oki U. commented  · 

    I recently found out that the facet in the authority search can be fixed by clicking on the double arrow (see screenshot)

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  13. 1 vote
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  14. 67 votes
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  15. 64 votes
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  16. 2 votes
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  17. 1 vote
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  18. 1 vote
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  19. 1 vote
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  20. 1 vote
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