Ability to create a customise CV at the institution level
We'd like to be able to customise a CV template at the institution level so that we can choose the desired fields/assets/activities to export.
Additionally, we'd like to be able to change the labels of the sections on the CV. We found a labels table (CV Researcher Categories) but this doesn't seem to change the labels either in the Portal view or on the exported CV.

Rebecca Cooke commented
This would be very welcome, especially for internal promotion rounds where a CV is required to be included with the promotion application.
maureen.bezanson commented
Related to this is that when an Activity Type is added to an Activity Category, it is necessary for EVERY researcher to then customise their CV to add this new Activity Type as a field that is exported on the CV. This wouldn't be that big a deal if we had the option to have an institution level customisation.