Add mapping to broad DataCite subjects to improve interoperability with DataCite
DataCite has a facet for field of science (see datacite-facet.jpg). We would love for our Esploro created DOIs to be able to use a subject term that will appear here. Looking at the backend, it appears they are from “REVISED FIELD OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (FOS) CLASSIFICATION IN THE FRASCATI MANUAL” . This is built in as a default vocabulary in the DataCite Fabrica interface. The terms are very broad, but they still look helpful in this context. It would be great if research topics could be mapped to these terms and be included in the information sent to DataCite. For example if Korean Language or Literature could be mapped to Languages and Literature (on 10.25820/work.006127).
It is true DataCite subjects are exceedingly broad, but it is what they are using and so is a standard for our data and anything else with a DOI registered via DataCite.
I can see the sense in this but doubt it can happen in coming couple of years. I am closing it for now.