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81 results found

  1. Carry across formatting

    For generic notes specific to internal processes and applicable to all annotated opportunities, it would be helpful if the desired formatting (bold, bullet points, and hyperlinks if possible) could carry across in cut and paste. As it is, for every entry, we have to redo all the formatting and hyperlinks in a tiny box which is very fiddly and time-consuming.

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  2. daily alerts

    I would love to be able to choose to receive my funding alerts on a daily basis rather than a weekly basis. Sometimes the turnaround time for deadlines is so short that a week away is valuable time lost. Thanks! Hilda

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  3. Incorporate machine learning into Advisor Alert algorithm

    It would be wonderful to build a feedback mechanism for the Advisor Alerts system and incorporate machine learning based on that input. For instance, a scholar could get an Advisor Alert email, mark or dismiss opportunities as they see fit and have that data utilized by the system to create better results for the individual researcher.

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  4. Integrate papers invited with funding opportunities

    If there's a seminar or congress abroad, it could be helpful a hyperlink to access those opportunities that match with travel funding, for example.

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  5. 6 votes

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  6. Allow administrators to hand pick the first 15 opps that show up in newsletter searches/lists

    It would be useful if administrators could individually select the first 15 opportunities in searches/lists that appear on newsletters (as only the first 15 opportunities show up). Right now, you can filter searches by deadline, funding amount, etc - allowing personalized selection would go well with these options. Thank you for your consideration!

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  7. Add Individual College Reports for Data Pulls

    Update the data pulls to filter for branch or sub-branch of the main campus. At present, we can only pull a single report for the main branch and cannot filter for the sub-branch entities. It would be very helpful for individual colleges within the university to identify engagement with the software. Such a report would help us to verify if PIVOT RP usage supports PI success in securing external funding. It would be invaluable for our hiring trends and strategic plans to know who is using PIVOT RP and their rate of success. Without this data, it is difficult to…

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  8. InfoReady Integration: Pulling Internal Deadlines Back Into Pivot

    It would be amazing (and hopefully this is eventually the plan) if the Pivot/InfoReady integration had the functionality that, once you "push to" IRR and create the competition, that when you "launch" the competition it also exports data like competition URL and internal deadline back into Pivot to add to the Deadlines section of the opportunity. Right now I'm doing this manually, and having it done automatically would save me lots of time.

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  9. Filter grant opportunities *after* they have been Tracked and/or shared to a Curated List

    The filters available when performing searches in Pivot-RP are very detailed and helpful; however, I (and the researchers at my department) also need to be able to filter the grant opportunities after they have been Tracked and/or shared to a Curated List. For example, if several hundred opportunities are being tracked, shared, and compiled into lists, the ability to filter these by the same search filters available, that is, Funder, Amount, Deadlines (with options of selecting "7 days from today", "14 days", "30 days", "90 days", "180 days", or the customizable "Select from calendar" option), Limited Submission, Applicant/Institution Location, Activity…

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  10. Delineate between low, medium and high value 'unspecified' values.

    If the value of an opportunity is below say $9,999, between $10K-$49,999 or >$50k in a currency they could be grouped, so that we can filter out low value unspecified opportunities, but not miss the high value ones.

    For many researchers their search contains a high number of unspecified value opportunities, and to manually go through all of these to see if they are of high enough value to be of interest for Mid and Established researchers is off-putting for researchers.

    If there was a filter by value group, they could only include ones of high value, and filter out…

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  11. Default Search List to 200

    Default search or tracked opps results-list to 200 opportunities, rather than 25, so that one can easily scroll through the full list quickly, rather than taking the extra step to choose the larger list. What's the purpose of having a "short" page, rather than simply showing the max?

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  12. Add extra information to opps in Tracked Opp List

    When opportunities appear in the Tracked Opp list , it is only the opportunity name that shows, which can be difficult when multiple opportunities have similar names, e.g. "Research Fellowship".

    It would be beneficial to see additional opp detail in this list, especially funder information, in order to differentiate between similarly named opps, and to be consistent with other parts of Pivot-RP

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  13. Search criteria to include 'confirmed' opportunities

    With large multi-disciplinary institutes particularly, it would be good if the search itself could contain the requirement to only show confirmed opportunities (those that the rounds dates are confirmed by the funder), as opposed to having to filter post the search.

    This would be particularly good for searches associated with newsletters, as then the list is not hundreds to thousands of currently irrelevant opportunities when there are plenty of confirmed opportunities to focus on.

    Additionally this would allow for a search to be set-up for anticipated opportunities, above a certain value that are worth being prepared for.

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  14. Please let us choose timing for sending newsletter

    Hi Pivot-RP Team,

    Could you please allow us to specify more delivery times for sending newsletters. The system allows us to send newsletters at two USA time zones which coincides with 9pm and 4am Australia time, hence it lowers visibility counts by users. Therefore we need to send newsletters during working hours of Australian timing zone.


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  15. Flag when an opp appears in a saved/curated search/list

    I often want to know if the particular opp I am viewing already appears in a saved search, curated search, or curated list. The current way to do this is to move the opp to a new tab (to keep track of the exact title, ID number, etc.) and then slog through individual searches/lists to see if the opp appears in each.

    To make this situation more user friendly, on each opp page, please add an "Appears In" list of saved/curated searches/lists. (This would probably fit best below the "Send feedback" link in the right-side menu.) It would be most…

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  16. Collaboration Connection

    PIVOT users can "Opt In" to be identified (in their profile) as a potential collaborator to be contacted for specific solicitations or as part of a broader research topic.

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  17. Publications full text linking

    Full text linking in Publications (in one's profile) currently only works if there's an abstract.

    And, one then has to click on a magnifying glass, scroll to the bottom of the abstract, and then click on a link to full text.

    Could we make this an easier process, with fewer clicks, such that full text linking is directly under the title information itself, and does not rely on an abstract? Thanks for considering!

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  18. Admin account matrix

    I would like an overall Admin account matrix where all of the admins could be listed down one column and then all of the access categories could be boxes that can be check/unchecked on one screen instead of having to pull up each admin account individually to change or update access.

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  19. Add the capability to save searches from paper invited

    Add the option to save papers invited search results in similarity to pivot funding search save.

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  20. Make 'Subject' in emails from specific rather than generic

    When university admin adds/updates university specific information e.g. deadline or Note, an email is sent from Emails sent out from this email address all have the same generic subject 'Update from Pivot-RP'.

    When an email is sent from (following an opportunity updated by Pivot-RP), the subject line includes the name of the funder eg 'Updated Funding Opportunity - American Heart Association (AHA)'

    Is there some way to edit the subject so that emails advising on an internal update also pick up the scheme name?

    Without some information as to what has been updated the emails are not…

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